Flying is good. Flying clears his head, flying is better than just stepping outside at that inexpressible benefit of "fresh air". People do not tend to bother him when he is flying.
...well, there could just be another demon around. Or one of the Maiar who are left, there's probably gradations between "incapacitated with grief" and "literally Thauron".
"Isn't there an Earth saying - I've done my reading, you know - it'll be a cold day in Hell when anyone invites me to an ethics conference. Though Hell is a vacuum, I guess, and they invited you, and worse than that they invited Sauron, or did he invite himself? Nah, I'm just flying. Haven't touched down in, y'know, seven years.
I thought about stopping you."
"How do you script that kind of thing, the Enemy obviously wasn't inclined to cooperate with the plan."
"We don't have oaths through hardware. We have them because it's the kind of thing we are. We play parts. Or did, until a few years ago. I think the rules might be broken now...
...we're reflexively deterministic, see. The kind of mind that, knowing what it'd do, wouldn't do that, won't become a Maia. There is, in the space of all possible minds, the kind of thing who will know exactly what our part is, and how it ends, and do it anyway, and all of us are that. Some more resentfully than others, to be sure. I thought it was a stupid fucking script."
", what, do you just like existing enough that you decided it made sense to be the sort of person who could exist in Maia form...?"
"Yeah. Or, like, Sauron thought he could find a way out of it. By leveraging enough things that weren't reflexively deterministic, giving them enough power that history refused to stay on the rails. He was going to try to make Men the world's technological power, break loose with them, and then you showed up and made it way easier. Trying to find a way off the rails can be your rail. Though it wasn't mine. Mine was more just kind of watching the whole fucking thing play out."