Flying is good. Flying clears his head, flying is better than just stepping outside at that inexpressible benefit of "fresh air". People do not tend to bother him when he is flying.
"Yeah, you have to go a ways to get to a non-tacky part of Hell and most people there won't speak any local languages," agrees Cam. "How should I title things for you to conjure up?"
"Right now we're doing attention:Himring for anything that should be relayed to people here, same for the other nations. Don't send anything you don't want the Elves to see, they sort it once I conjure it and it's not all in languages I speak so I wouldn't even necessarily notice if any of it's not meant for their eyes."
"Or if you expect you're going to need that, let me know the system, and I'm not sure I'd be a great actor but I'd at least try. Though. The Elves seem to be carefully setting themselves up to rule something much bigger than their current country, I don't really object but I'm not sure I'd want to get caught in peoples' cross-purposes."
"Oh, I don't want you to have to cover for me," Cam assures him, "and I don't currently anticipate a need to do anything elaborate, but thanks for letting me know who's looking over my shoulder."
"It does seem like the dimension was not random, so if we can figure out how it's not-random that'll help."