Beka is not sure what she was expecting as a result of walking into a snake monster but an Elf city would have been very low on a list of possibilities if someone had jumbled a lot of random words together into place-phrases and had her rank them. "Elf city" would probably have been under "spider void" and above "grape juice ocean". And yet here she is.
Then we can totally fix the being chained to the wall. Sorry. I don't think it bothers Beka and you look so - identical.
She sounds like I sound in recordings, too. Maybe I wouldn't mind if I had been raised in some kinda torture castle. I mean, reds get a lot of shit but when we're at home we're at home...
Elves can't tolerate being imprisoned, we get steadily more stressed and then we die.
That's kind of weird. In some respects Tapa is progressive on reds; they bother having a red prison.
That happens in Tapa too if someone wanders out of district or is suspected of harming a clean person or something but if it's some little thing that doesn't involve a grey mad at a red right in the moment, like red-on-red crime or some kind of tax problem, there's a jail for it.
Yep. People hate reds and really want to invent robots so they can murder them all.
So whenever reds catch wind of roboticists they go kill them and they die doing it almost all the time.
Well. Maybe after we kill the gods we'll have figured out how to go visit your world.
Well, if they're going to get over their murder hobby that'd be fine.
The hard part of this problem is the 'once we have killed our gods', I actually bet the part after that would go fine.
We don't really have a plan. Probably not with guns or pocket everythings but maybe they can help somehow. Maybe pretty girls will continue to drop until one knows how to do it.