Beka is not sure what she was expecting as a result of walking into a snake monster but an Elf city would have been very low on a list of possibilities if someone had jumbled a lot of random words together into place-phrases and had her rank them. "Elf city" would probably have been under "spider void" and above "grape juice ocean". And yet here she is.
So, uh, do you have any things that you figure are unclean here or is that just not a thing.
Well, see, since we've been doing them for so long reds are unclean too. And we touched things.
It's not great. Although it's not actually why Katin was in danger, that was just because I didn't have her credit paid off, my country'll kill uncredited babies of any caste.
If you don't have a credit for them, yeah. Most places just take them and adopt them out and sterilize you maybe with a jail term for that.
Everybody's gotta do population controls, my country does it this way because a long time ago they needed to look really serious about it to avoid a war and then they just didn't stop.
Yeah. We were having a war so I could pick up enough money to make payments that way but I wasn't sure it'd last long enough.