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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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He hums something upbeat and pleasant.


She chuckles and, after a moment, hums along.

Refill that tonight, I think, or in the morning, it'll be fine for now. I do need to get going, anything else before I do? Set you up to do some more stoncarving when you're done eating?


She does that, and gets the empty bowl while she's at it; the carefulness manifests as her broadcasting it a little more than usual before she teleports anything into or out of his personal space. All right, I'm going to head out, I'll be back to make dinner.


Okay. Have a nice day.


You too.


Back at the Ñolofinwëan camp: I'm back, that helped.


Oh, good.


Yeah. I'm going back for dinner but I'm not sure I'll be spending the night there. Anyway, what have you got for me to do?


A long list of things!


And off she goes to do them. It's crowded, in places, but everyone's giving her enough space that she can mostly manage anyway - not that she approves of the vaguely-awed looks she's getting, but that's a problem for another day.

Eventually: Starting to get late; is there anything else urgent for tonight?


I don't think so. Thank you.


You're welcome. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. And she goes back to her cave.


He makes an effort to smile at her.


She smiles back. Hey. How was your afternoon?


Good. She putters around getting ready to start making dinner. I met another one of your siblings this morning - Amrod. She sends a few highlights, then starts going over her memories in more detail.



Thank you.


No problem. And I'll get the spells for that one room cast after dinner, too. She heads down to the pantry.


It rather emphasizes how useless he is. He closes his eyes and tries to ignore that; not helpful.


She's not gone long, anyway. Did you have a chance to think about the map I showed you? I kind of expect you'll have some different ideas than I did about what places are important - I can draw that up if you'd rather have it there to look at.


I don't want to give the Enemy insights on our camp.


Okay. I'll try to just get it all done before you go back, then.


I appreciate it. It shouldn't all need to be done, as long as there's a few places I can move between.


Right, and if your siblings come up with some kind of urgent project for me I'll focus on that instead, but I want you to be able to go everywhere you might want to.


I appreciate it.

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