A few days later, Arthur gets a message from the twins asking when the four of them can hang out. What does Dayo think?
He giggles. "Does taking over the universe as a benevolent dictator count as uncountably infinite?"
"Dunno, I sort of consider that a single ambition, but maybe that is influenced by the fact that I have that one since I was maybe nine or something."
"Apparently, it's hubristic to make a personal promise to solve all the problems that can be solved and then spend the rest of the eternity solving the remaining problems anyway."
"Sadly, I think my best angle is a complicated one. It would involve convincing Felix that he should stay in the United States raising our sister. Then go to the Stormlands, join the army, fulfill my twelve years obligatory service and then run a political career that gets me enough diplomatic leverage with the Witchlands to smooth the relationship between the two. So we will hopefully finally have a united magical world."
"And I object to this plan because I want Fenris to be the one to stay behind. Also, I think the Witch-Queen that we met might be interested in that and maybe no one will need to spend twelve years in the army."
"The time can reduced if you get married and have eugenically desirable children. And it's only four if all you want is the right to vote. But yes, it's a long time investment in a structure that I would ultimately want to reform."
"It's a somehow straightforward way to get political power, at least if you're a skymage."
"Yeah, I can see myself going for that if I'd been born a skymage." He wrinkles his nose. "But not if my father was a skymage."
"He's an asshole and I'm pretty sure counterfactual me would not want to be part of any institution he was a part of."
"I can relate. I would specifically aim for a place where our grandfather didn't have much influence. But our problem with him was never about the institution he was in."
"On general principle yes, but not because of this, I haven't lived with him for years."
"Well, the same could have been said about my mom and uncle."
Felix hugs him. Winged hugs are great.