Macalaurës who have not yet seduced a Rebecca feel that they have been issued a challenge. They get to work on it.
He goes to Eclipse and does research. Eclipse makes him feel very uncomfortable.
"Like, your blues took the best idea in history, the idea our forefathers fought and died for, and they managed to make it so meaningless no one even bothered participating in it. They took something where the whole point is to hear peoples voices and they used it to, like, train them how useless it was to talk."
"So when we were writing our Constitution we wrote it all and then some people were like 'great, that's a big list of things the government can do. What about a list of things the government can't do?' And they added the bill of rights which is rules about things the government can't do, no matter what, not if there's a war on, not if the President says so, not to anyone. Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion - I don't actually remember the other two, there're two more -" he looks them up -