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The greys will let people into Calado but not out unless they are aliens who have for some reason chosen to visit Calado.


" - uh," says shuttle driver. "Why - we've been paying the tolls -"


"That's between you and the owner of the road, ma'am."


"Are they allowed to go to Tapa and use their shuttleport or are they not allowed out of the country at all -"


"Please get back in your bus, ma'am."


"How much are they paying you?"


"Ma'am, I'm not here to make small talk."


She leaves. She tells everyone on the other end that Calado's not letting people out - "so if you decide not to go back I am sure we can get emergency aid for you."


Some people want to know what kind of aid.


"Displaced persons does, like, housing and food and a local host family to help you get settled in."


Some of them go home to their families. A few will take emergency aid.


Emergency aid, as promised, sets them up with housing and food and a local host family. Local host families bring muffins. 



Is Calado still letting people go to other countries that have shuttleports?


They're screening them.


For the likelihood that they're trying to leave?


They're not saying that in so many words but yep.


Vanda Nossëo notifies Calado that they consider the right of a nation's people to emigrate to be an essential fundamental freedom, and would be delighted to assist Calado in mitigating harmful effects of their population departing in some manner other than by forcing people to stay.


Calado notifies Vanda Nossëo that they should have offered to be helpful in the first place instead of kidnapping a senator.


Vanda Nossëo strongly agrees that kidnapping is a terrible foundation for diplomatic relations. However, they're willing to overlook it for the sake of Calado's people.


Calado thinks that Vanda Nossëo thinks it's very funny.


Are they sure that they don't want to work with Vanda Nossëo on a way of making sure that services in Calado are maintained and resources remain available for anyone who wants to stay without imprisoning their entire population?


What are they gonna do, have more of those magic robots and live in a ghost town?


If Vanda Nossëo operatives could be guaranteed that as long as they perform their job duties and obey the law they will not be randomly taken hostage by private security operating on behalf of any one of the three hundred senators with complete impunity, then they could run a magic school and modernize health clinics and fund education and improve prison conditions in Calado and maybe people would not want to leave. 


Calado is not to be stuffed full of alien meddlers with diplomatic immunity.


...diplomatic immunity is "they don't get arrested even if they commit crimes". The thing Vanda Nossëo is requesting is "they don't get arrested unless they commit crimes".


They may have gotten too used to precognitive justice. Anyway no.

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