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Much ink has been spilled on many of the crimes of the OLD REGIME.  But AT LEAST one subtler OFFENSE has not yet seen a proper public denouncement.  In their CRUEL "education" of many WIZARDS and WIZARDESSES they have produced, as side effect, many LAUNDERERS and LAUNDERESSES.  This SIDE EFFECT would be mostly harmless, indeed beneficial for the cleanliness of many citizens, but it has one horribly DISTASTEFUL SIDE EFFECT.  The same spell, PRESTIDIGITATION, that cleans a shirt can also do a seemingly passable job at sweetening or salting or spicing food.  BUT DO NOT BE DECIEVED.  The saltiness of a PRESTIDIGITATION does not contain the essential nutrient of PROPER nonmagical salts, the spice of a PRESTIDIGITATION does not warm the humors of the body PROPERLY and even the sweetness of a PRESTIDIGITATION lacks what little value to the body PROPER sugar does.  And in using such shortcuts, the subtler arts of FLAVORING and COOKING and SEASONING of PROPER citizens are ignored.  Do not trust your ROASTS nor your STEWS nor your BREADS to a LAUNDERER or even a LAUNDERESS who would use a TOOL suited for removing dirt and stains and grime.  CONSIDER: Would you eat SOAP!  But rather trust in the skill of your fellow citizen and in doing so REBEL against this OFFENSE by the "education" of the OLD REGIME.




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I have seen the light! Just as important as what creatures you eat should be how they are flavoured! And spelling a food to taste a certain way instead of cookery I now realise is an offence to good taste!

I had not thought the diabolists would be so evil as to ruin the ability of the people to properly cook by giving them the INFERIOR REPLACEMENT of being able to spell foods to taste a certain way! If we were supposed to make things taste like owlbear with magic, why would the world have owlbears! Spelling flavour into things is unnatural and wrong!

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