narcis soler can channel positive energy
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"Well, I don't know from philosophy, but it seems to me that you know exactly where to start looking, if you want to find a way to back up on some of the harm done, and washing your hands of it isn't the way."


Back to being a loyal citizen who has properly abandoned his Asmodeanism and is not lingeringly holding on to traces of it.

"Yeah I've started.  The biggest constraint is money, but the stiped for the convention is good, and the one good thing about dealing with that Abadaran is I have some more money to work with on solving it."

Maybe it's that the utilitarian practicality recommended in The Acts of Iomedae if fresh on his mind, but it occurs to him he could use the money from the loan sales to buy the indenture of the people he's sold off, and that wouldn't fix everything but would triage the worse problems first at least.

He then goes back to suppressing his thoughts on the people he's sold... but the idea remains


"I'm sure there's an honest way for a great wizard to make money."


This man admitted his wife handles all the money, his children can't read, and he knows nothing of wizardry.  If he was one of Fernando's debtors, Fernando could fuck him over in so many ways.  Extend the loan bit by bit, while demanding further indignities and inconveniences and submission, and even so, knowing he was being merciful compared to a lifetime of indentured servitude that would await this man if he failed to meet Fernando's every whim.  And absent the Law, Fernando could slay the man in a few rounds with acid without speaking a word or making an arcane gesture.  He wants to say all that to Soler's face.. but no point in risking spouting any more heresies against Good than he already has on this stupid quest to find some solution out of a life of indentured servitude and an eternity of suffering. 


And if this was a real loyalty test, Fernando would have blown it right there and got himself sent to the harshest torture reeducation a Good government can give. Well, that's one useful thing he got out of this exercise in futility, he now knows he needs to get his thoughts under much tighter control.

"Yeah, great wizard, that's me, ha.  Thanks for the advice."  He turns to leave and this time doesn't turn back with some second thought.


Soler doesn't chase him, just continues on his way.

Here Ends This Thread
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