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and the sun in the morning is waiting to rise
narcis soler can channel positive energy
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When Soler arrived in Westcrown, it was not immediately obvious what to do with himself. Where were the delegates supposed to meet? How did he register that he'd shown up instead of ignoring the bulletin to save whoever-it-was the effort of looking for him? Was there a place for him to stay? He was not able to answer any of these questions by asking random passersby because Westcrown is a damnable city, even more than most cities, but eventually a street urchin asked him if he'd pay for directions to the newly re-dedicated temple of Erastil. Soler did not especially trust the child to follow through on such an offer but agreed to give a copper to be shown there, and when he was presented with a building that had a bow-and-arrow on the front and some obvious recent renovations to remove the other decor, he gave the boy - girl? hard to tell, its parents were at any rate not looking after it well - a coin and sent it along.

The temple gave him a place to stay, and directions to the convention, but did not know more than he did about how to register for it. So far, Soler has not improved on walking there once a day, collecting his gold for his attendance, and being told that it's not just yet, they're waiting till all the sorty-shun delegates are in. Apparently a sorty-shun is some kind of person who can't get about with horses like a normal person or has a terrible time with punctuality. He supposes he'll see what they're like when they arrive.

The new Erastilian temple is not too far from the chambers where they'll all meet, so Soler has a pretty regular route, easily observable if anyone wants to see who goes in and out of the temple and watch where they go.

Permalink Mark Unread

Fernando is proud of his progress he's made on understanding Good over the past week or so.  He's rid himself of his old Asmodean financial dealings, he's learned the basics of moral philosophy, and he recently acquired and read through a cheap copy of The Acts of Iomedae.  If asked about his most recent learnings, he would note that Iomedae argues for a Lawful Good alignment towards an audience with a preexisting weakly Neutral Good or Lawful Neutral axiology (it varies by chapter some), honestly admit he still hadn't quite figured out a Good motivation for himself, but has a Lawful Neutral outlook he was developing and was weighing Iomedae's case for Lawful Good.

So, when he learns of a man going between the convention chambers and a temple of Erastil, he decides to make learning about Erastilian Lawful Good (thank you Gnome for mentioning that is a distinct thing) his next step in understanding Lawful Good (and proving his loyalty as a subject and citizen of the Queen... and that somehow leading to his greatness).  If it is is a cleric of Erastil... a simple direct approach seems best?

"Are you a cleric of Erastil?"

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"That's what they tell me. And what are you?"

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"I am a... first circle wizard, delegate to the convention by election, and, at the moment, looking for whatever advice or instruction or wisdom you have about Erastil's teachings."

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"Well, I don't know that I have much to go on for a city stranger. Can't quote the book at you. You got something a trifle more specific?"

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"I can give a long explanation, if you want a long one.  The short one is... I'm trying to figure out what is better and what is Good and how to be better and how to be Good?"

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"I might not even be Good. Might be Neutral."

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"Huh, but you can channel positive?  And did you have to risk your life dramatically or donate away all your money to make Neutral?  You know, how the old regime would imply Neutral was very hard and Good near impossible?"

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"Pft. I channel positive. Erastil can't make a cleric who doesn't, say the foreign fellows in there." He aims a thumb at the temple. "So I'm not Evil or he couldn't have me at all, and not Chaotic. It's not hard. Maybe it's hard in the cities, I don't know what you people do all day. Plowing a field's not Evil. Roasting carrots and having them for supper's not Evil. Milking a goat's not Evil."

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Well... if he wants good advice he's probably going to need to be honest?  Or at least appear honest.  Things went so much better with the gnome once he stopped trying to lie (not that it took long for him to get called out on his bullshit).

"That makes sense putting it like that.  So for me... Wizard school costs a lot of money, and they charge a lot of it even if they kick you out early half trained, and if you can't pay, which of course teenagers can't, they put it into loans with an interest rate that means you can barely pay the interest the way most spells usually sell, and if you fall behind far enough eventually they'll indenture you.  I came up with a way that was technically Lawful, but very much not fair or right, to get my spells to sell for more."

Wow, Fernando could almost believe himself there for a moment, he's going to pass his loyalty tests so well!

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"Mm, that's why I told all my children, forget the alphabet a few times, they'll give up on you and you'll come back where you belong, I like my children where I can see 'em. Nobody told you to try that, s'pose?"

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There's a bit of emotion under Fernando's expression he quickly suppresses.  He really doesn't want to talk about this, and he needs to remember this is a human not a Gnome.  But... well... it's not like this old story really matters does it?  There isn't a way to use this against him, not like his outright Evil Asmodean loan schemes, so he'll try the truth.

"My mother told me to be stupider... not even to forget the alphabet, she was fine with reading and writing, but on the math tests in particular that determine if you get into wizard school.  I wanted to be a great wizard, so I ignored her."

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"Well, some people manage being Good great wizards, I hear tell, but I don't know if they manage it in Asmodean schools."

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"Yeah, school was worse for the Asmodeanism.  All the backstabbing and treachery instead of just learning.  But I think I would have been fine, even getting kicked out, without the massive loan hanging over me."

Ah shit, he doesn't want to go into incriminating details, just enough details to get advice.  Change it into a question

"Do you know what Erastil.. or Good common sense says about loans?  Or at least your own feel of it?"

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"Hm. Seems like a fishy city business. I imagine it could make sense if a basically decent sort said, take this silver and buy yourself a plow horse, I think it'll help you out and you can pay me back yea much every summer... but that's because the decent sort knows that a horse might die, y'see, and knows that sometimes the rain doesn't come and the horse won't help. I wouldn't take a horse from anyone who seemed like he might not know that kind of thing."

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"Yeah... that's the fishy business.  A wizard student that does well in the classes gets shipped off to the wound for a pretty long tour of duty, that pays off the loan fair and square.  But the schools kick out nearly a third of the students without ever sending them off to the wound... they think it keeps us on our toes and enforces Asmodean hierarchy or something like that.  And not being at the wound... if you're selling your 1st circle spells, assuming you got that far and you've got more than one a day, for 10 silvers each and doing a day's work with your cantrips every days besides for a few more silvers, and living a modest life and not putting any money aside for new spells and assuming you don't have any accidents, you can pay it off at a similar rate.  But, you've probably bought laundry wizard spells before... would you say they're usually worth 10 silvers?  More like a silver or two, right?"

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"I let my wife handle the budget, when I'm at home, if I'm honest with you I don't really care to think in silver and paper."

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"I wish I had that luxury.  But if I try to stop now, well, if a miss too many loan payments, it's indentured servitude for me for quiet a long while.  And you know how they do it, all sorts of tricks and schemes that makes it last longer, to the point you're probably not ever going to escape once it starts."

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"I'd be taking your word for it but it sounds about like what I'd expect, sure."

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Something in this man's straight forwardness makes Fernando want to risk a little more.

"My scheme for making money back... I made some tricky loans to people myself, got them on the hook for paying me more than they could manage."

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"Mm-hm. You got stuck in a trap Evil folks made to make you Evil too, and so on and forth."

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"That about sums it up."

It's nice, the way this man doesn't really push.  Are they done here?

"My name's Fernando by the way.  Thank you for your wisdom... as obvious as hindsight may be."  He starts to turn to leave...

Unless... he turns back.

"Would you happen to have any advice on making it right, or getting out of the trap I'm in?"

At some point Fernando forgot he was preparing to pass a loyalty test and started to hope for something more.

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"What've you done for the people as you trapped?"

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"I recently sold all my remaining contracts to an Abadaran, with his word he would conduct his business fairly and lawfully with them."

Fernando is not going to mention, or even think too hard about the four two debtors he already sold into indentured servitude or the two that have absconded in the past (they got away right?). 

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"So... nothing?"

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Yeah that's accurate.

"I had some idea that the Abadaran would be fairer... but I didn't get much for hard guarantees, he seemed stubborn enough and I didn't want to deal with the loans anymore anyway."

Okay that is definitely too much honesty.  He needs to get things under control now.  This man doesn't seem likely to seek out someone to report this to, but neither does he seem likely to avoid telling if asked.

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"Well, I don't know from philosophy, but it seems to me that you know exactly where to start looking, if you want to find a way to back up on some of the harm done, and washing your hands of it isn't the way."

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Back to being a loyal citizen who has properly abandoned his Asmodeanism and is not lingeringly holding on to traces of it.

"Yeah I've started.  The biggest constraint is money, but the stiped for the convention is good, and the one good thing about dealing with that Abadaran is I have some more money to work with on solving it."

Maybe it's that the utilitarian practicality recommended in The Acts of Iomedae if fresh on his mind, but it occurs to him he could use the money from the loan sales to buy the indenture of the people he's sold off, and that wouldn't fix everything but would triage the worse problems first at least.

He then goes back to suppressing his thoughts on the people he's sold... but the idea remains

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"I'm sure there's an honest way for a great wizard to make money."

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This man admitted his wife handles all the money, his children can't read, and he knows nothing of wizardry.  If he was one of Fernando's debtors, Fernando could fuck him over in so many ways.  Extend the loan bit by bit, while demanding further indignities and inconveniences and submission, and even so, knowing he was being merciful compared to a lifetime of indentured servitude that would await this man if he failed to meet Fernando's every whim.  And absent the Law, Fernando could slay the man in a few rounds with acid without speaking a word or making an arcane gesture.  He wants to say all that to Soler's face.. but no point in risking spouting any more heresies against Good than he already has on this stupid quest to find some solution out of a life of indentured servitude and an eternity of suffering. 

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And if this was a real loyalty test, Fernando would have blown it right there and got himself sent to the harshest torture reeducation a Good government can give. Well, that's one useful thing he got out of this exercise in futility, he now knows he needs to get his thoughts under much tighter control.

"Yeah, great wizard, that's me, ha.  Thanks for the advice."  He turns to leave and this time doesn't turn back with some second thought.

Permalink Mark Unread

Soler doesn't chase him, just continues on his way.