When Soler arrived in Westcrown, it was not immediately obvious what to do with himself. Where were the delegates supposed to meet? How did he register that he'd shown up instead of ignoring the bulletin to save whoever-it-was the effort of looking for him? Was there a place for him to stay? He was not able to answer any of these questions by asking random passersby because Westcrown is a damnable city, even more than most cities, but eventually a street urchin asked him if he'd pay for directions to the newly re-dedicated temple of Erastil. Soler did not especially trust the child to follow through on such an offer but agreed to give a copper to be shown there, and when he was presented with a building that had a bow-and-arrow on the front and some obvious recent renovations to remove the other decor, he gave the boy - girl? hard to tell, its parents were at any rate not looking after it well - a coin and sent it along.

The temple gave him a place to stay, and directions to the convention, but did not know more than he did about how to register for it. So far, Soler has not improved on walking there once a day, collecting his gold for his attendance, and being told that it's not just yet, they're waiting till all the sorty-shun delegates are in. Apparently a sorty-shun is some kind of person who can't get about with horses like a normal person or has a terrible time with punctuality. He supposes he'll see what they're like when they arrive.

The new Erastilian temple is not too far from the chambers where they'll all meet, so Soler has a pretty regular route, easily observable if anyone wants to see who goes in and out of the temple and watch where they go.