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Harley is seven, and he and Elspeth are hanging out in the Québec capital (because the rest of the Golden Coven is doing so), and as is usual in capitals with major wolf villages, she, he, and Jacob stay in village quarters during this time.

The capital as a whole moves less often than it once did, now that people can readily teleport to other sites to handle things there; this is the first time in Harley's life that they've been to Québec for anything other than a brief visit, so it's the first time he's seen the Imperial Alpha house in which Jacob, his imprint, and her fosterling are entitled to live.

They have neighbors. One of these is a seven-year-old puppy boy, who is currently making a snowfort.
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Oooh, snowfort.

Harley goes to investigate the snowfort.

"Hi!" says the puppy. "Are you the Princess's kid?"


"I'm Harley Andrea," says Harley. "Who're you?"


"I'm Zeus Norton!"


"Cool," says Harley. "I wanna help with your snowfort!"


"Okay!" Zeus runs indoors and gets a spare shovel. He's building on the snowheap created by someone having shoveled the front patio of his house, digging out tunnels in it and turning excavated snow into turrets on top.


Harley gets to work. Snow architecture is one of his favourite things! He's pretty good at it, too, although sometimes he is not especially careful about making sure his creations can support their own weight.


Zeus thinks it is okay when stuff falls over, because then, you get to build it again. "Are you a human?" he wants to know.


"Yeah, why?"


"Well, you could've been a puppy or a hybrid. I'm a puppy. If you're not the Princess's kid how come you came out of her and Jacob's house?"


"I'm not not her kid," he shrugs.




[Elsie, Zeus wants to know if I'm your kid, how do I explain me?]


[You can tell him as much or as little as you like. You're my fosterling from another world, would be a succinct description.]


"I'm her fosterling from another world," he echoes. Elsie is good at explaining stuff.


"Oh. Why does she have one of those?"


"She took me away from my parents because they were bad for me. I don't remember them," he says, shrugging again.


"Oh. But you're not like a prince or anything?"


He grins. "Nope!"


"Huh. Okay," shrugs Zeus. Snowfort snowfort. "So I am prince of this snowfort. 'Cause I started it."

Harley giggles.

"What's a prince of a snowfort do?"

"I, um. I sit on top of it, and if a snow dragon shows up you can be the snowfort knight and slay it and bring me its head!"


"Cool," Harley opines. "I wonder what a snow dragon looks like."


"The size of both our houses put together! And made of ice and snow and with big sharp icicle teeth," asserts Zeus.


"I wanna kill one," Harley declares.

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