Harley is seven, and he and Elspeth are hanging out in the Québec capital (because the rest of the Golden Coven is doing so), and as is usual in capitals with major wolf villages, she, he, and Jacob stay in village quarters during this time.
The capital as a whole moves less often than it once did, now that people can readily teleport to other sites to handle things there; this is the first time in Harley's life that they've been to Québec for anything other than a brief visit, so it's the first time he's seen the Imperial Alpha house in which Jacob, his imprint, and her fosterling are entitled to live.
They have neighbors. One of these is a seven-year-old puppy boy, who is currently making a snowfort.
Harley beams and follows him inside, getting snow all over the entryway as he divests himself of his winter gear but mostly managing not to spread it through the rest of the house.
Eventually Bartholomew serves dinner, Demeter appears from elsewhere in the house with sawdust in her hair and paint on her apron, and they all eat dinner. Zeus even eats three green beans when sternly obliged to do so.