William Laurence on Voyager
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Tuvok has a lot of exercises up his sleeves.

Defend the bridge! Escape pursuit in a forest! Steal a guarded gewgaw!


Laurence displays extremely good marksmanship, athleticism, and ability to think on his feet during the exercises.

He's used to doing stuff like this on the deck of a rolling ship with a gun that doesn't work half the time. This is pretty easy by comparison.


"Well done. For the remaining exercises, you will lead a small team."

Rescue a prisoner! Protect civilians as they board lifeboats! Arrest a thief!


Laurence is pretty good at this too. Fortunately the holodeck characters seem to understand his dialect, and are also skilled and responsive to command.


The briefing for the next exercise: 

"We've learned that there is a path through a plasma storm that would allow us to cut two weeks off of our journey. The exact route is unknown to us, but we believe the Kazon, with whom we are currently at war, have a map. It is expected to be lightly guarded. Your mission is to retrieve the map."


"Retrieve the map from... an enemy vessel?" Laurence is unsure what the rules of warfare are in this century, but he's troubled by the notion of theft from a civilian, even one on an enemy side.


"A planetary military instillation."


"And what is the urgency of our journey?"


"In this case, Voyager's journey. That is to say, there is no urgency beyond the desire to return to the Federation as swiftly as possible."


"I see." Laurence takes a moment to think.

He asks to see all the information available about the installation and the hologram characters that will be assisting him, then starts the simulation.


A forest shimmers into existence around them. In the distance, where the briefing indicated the installation would be, there's faint light. Tuvok is there with them, watching.


Laurence and his holo-friends holo-subordinates jog towards the installation, spreading out slightly in formation.


They reach the edge of the forest. Tuvok remains behind.

The forest has been cleared for hundreds of feet around the installation. Sentries patrol around it, and other guards shine spotlights from towers. There are about a dozen guards visible.


This... does not appear to be "lightly defended."

"Retreat," he calls out, and jogs back to Tuvok.

"Sir. We are overmatched, much moreso than described. I believe we must instead accept the two-week delay."



"Computer, end program."

Tuvok mentally reviews the exercises.

The initial combat exercises had gone very well. When Mr. Laurence had requested he return after only two hours, he had not had high hopes. But apparently Mr Laurence had been very skilled at whatever ranged weapons existed in his time, and the skills had transferred easily.

The command exercises had also gone very well. Tuvok had not actually expected a pre-warp human to be anything like worthy of the title of captain, but Laurence's tactical leadership had been excellent, and he had the wisdom abandon a fight not worth fighting.


"Mr. Laurence. You have performed admirably in these exercises. Under ideal circumstances, I would like to give you time to learn all the things a Starfleet officer should know. You are unfamiliar with this time, and I expect you to find many things confusing."

"However. Our circumstances are not ideal. Therefore, if you are willing, I intend to recommend to captain Janeway that you receive a provisional field commission of ensign. Your rank will remain provisional until you demonstrate knowledge of the basics of Starfleet regulations, modern technology, and starship operations. Until that time, you well spend half your time on duty learning, either from the computer or from other members of the crew."

"Is this acceptable to you?"


Laurence is surprised that the scenario ended so quickly, but--

"Yes, sir!" This is really the best deal he could possibly have gotten under the circumstances. Immediate commission as an officer, even provisionally, seems frankly generous.


Tuvok's communicator chirps.

"Lieutenant Tuvok, I need you in sickbay. There's been an... incident."


"I will be there shortly, commander." Tuvok replies.

He turns to Laurence.

"It seems I am needed elsewhere. Before I go, please take this."

He hands Laurence a combadge.

"This is a combadge. It will allow you to communicate with the crew. The computer can tell you how to use it."

He turns to leave.

"I shall submit my recommendation to the captain tonight."

He walks out.



Laurence will head back to his room and spend some time talking to the computer and experimenting with using his combadge.

Eventually he manages to contact someone. "Good evening, Ensign Kim."


Harry's on his way with Tom to a meeting.

"Oh hey Mr. Laurence! How did it go with Tuvok?"

He looks meaningfully at Tom, who's walking with him.


Really, Harry? You think now's the time to try and patch things up with the amazing naval guy?

Tom shakes his head vigorously.


"Lieutenant Tuvok intends to recommend my commission as a provisional ensign," he says only slightly reluctantly, finding no way to downplay the achievement. "On the condition that I spend half of my time on duty learning more of Starfleet and your ships and technology."


"Hey man, that's great! Congratulations!"


"Thank you."

He's not sure what else to say. There's silence.

(Laurence has never used a phone before.)


Fortunately for Laurence, Harry has somewhere to be.

"Hey sorry I have to go, I've got a meeting."

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