William Laurence on Voyager
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A man in a red uniform,(2 pips) sits down next to them, carrying a bowl of soup. 

"Hey Harry."

He notices Laurence.

"Tom Paris" he says, extending his hand 


"Capt-- er, William Laurence, at your service," he says with a slight grimace, shaking Paris's hand. He's vaguely uncomfortable that he doesn't know the man's rank to properly address him.


"That's... You're wearing a royal navy uniform, from what, 1820 or something?"

He glances at Laurence's shoulders.

"A captain's uniform? And I don't think I've seen you around on the ship, when I thought I'd met everybody. Where'd you come from?"


Oh great, this is just his life now, isn't it, having to tell people this story over and over.

"1804, in point of fact. I arrived on this vessel via the holodeck."

In his embarrassment he doesn't immediately notice that it's weird Paris knew what type of uniform he was wearing. He's used to most people knowing what his uniform means.


Tom looks over at Harry for confirmation.


"Yeah, some entity named Q took him out of a holodeck program."



Who's program? What type of program?

Tom, however, doesn't have much time for that speculation, since he's got a real life royal navy captain in front of him. 

"You ever think about going sailing in the holodeck someday?"


"I confess I have had little time thus far to consider any particular courses of action beyond the immediate necessities of life, as I arrived on Voyager not two hours ago."

Going back to the holodeck doesn't seem very appealing right at this moment, but he will not say that aloud.


A flash of disappointment, which may or may not be discernable on his face.  That didn't sound very enthusiastic.

"Yeah, I get that."

He puts on a smile.

"So, how's the future?"


Exceedingly strange, terrifying, disappointing. "Very unlike my own time."

He tries to think of something positive to offer. "These replicators are amazing devices. And I was exceedingly heartened to learn that the slave trade has ended on Earth."


"So, what were y'all talking about before I showed up?"


"I was going to ask Mr. Laurence how you became an officer in his time."


Tom manages to yield to Laurence on this one, although somebody posing close attention (that is to say, not Harry) could tell that he would have loved to field this question.


This subject, he feels more comfortable with. "Oh, different ways. Usually a boy would be at sea for several years before he got his step to ensign. One often meets officers with purchased commissions as well, or commissions awarded by means of title. I myself was promoted from a runner at a young age."


"Purchased titles? That doesn't sound like it'd work out very well."


"I have often had the same thought. Starfleet does not sell commissions?"


"No. We actually don't use money anymore."

He's pretty sure he said that already but maybe it wasn't clear.


He did say that but Laurence is having trouble comprehending what a society without money even... looks like.

"Nor award them by title?"


"Like a Duke or something. Didn't you study history in school, Harry?"

Turning to Laurence: "There isn't really any nobility on Earth beyond, bringing the king of England out for a parade every now and then."


"I was beginning to have the impression that the nobility is less important now than in my time," Laurence says, with classic understatement.

He says gently, carefully looking at both of them and not just Harry, "It seems to me it would be difficult, beginning a service career in adulthood. Officers who have been aboard ship since boyhood are generally more accustomed to the life of a Navy man."


"Wait, when you said you were a runner at a young age, you mean, like, a kid? Like 15 or something?"


"Twelve, but I knew some boys who had been aboard ship since nine or younger. I was made Ensign at age fifteen."



"I mean, I wouldn't say it was an easy change, but I don't really think it would have been easier earlier. My folks would have been devastated, too."


At least I wasn't stuck in a schoolroom until the ripe age of 22, he doesn't say.

He turns to Tom instead. "How long have you been serving in Starfleet?"

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