William Laurence on Voyager
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Then he realizes the obvious. "Can the replicator produce a map scaled to fit inside its box," he clarifies.




To the replicator: "Map of the USS Voyager."


A pile of papers shimmers into existence. Upon inspection, each one is a map of one of Voyager's decks.


Is Cabin 708 labeled?


Searching through the maps will eventually turn up cabin 708 on the edge of deck 7.


Laurence scans for the mess, the... okay there probably isn't a kitchen... Any other sort of landmarks that a person from 1804 might recognize the names of?

"Computer, where do the crew spend time when they are off duty?"


"Access to crew location data is restricted."


Well, he can probably figure it out the same way he would back home.

He leaves his room, carrying the map and heading at a leisurely walk in the direction of the mess.


Along the way, he'll encounter...


A woman in a blue uniform, with a single pip on her collar. She's typing on a PADD as she walks: if Laurence doesn't say anything she won't even see him.


He will dip his head and say "Good day," not too loudly since she appears busy.


A man in a yellow uniform, with no pips. He glances at Laurance, looks away, and then looks back, grinning.

"Wow! That's an amazing costume! Did you... make that for a holodeck program or something? That's commitment!"


(Laurence has vaguely noticed that they have pips that seem to designate rank, but hasn't yet figured out which is which in order to address people correctly. Unless he sees another Captain or Ensign. He wonders what the uniform colors mean, and makes a note to ask at his next opportunity.)

Oh no. Of course he sticks out like a sore thumb.

He hates drawing attention to himself, but it seems he has already done so merely by walking the halls.

"My costume indeed originates from the holodeck. As do I myself."


"Huh? Oh man that sounds really interesting but I got to get to a briefing, see you around!"

He jogs off.


In the turbolift, he meets a woman in a yellow uniform with a single pip.

She looks him up and down, but doesn't say anything.


He nods but says nothing. If she intends to be rude, he will return the favor.

(He ignores his faint unease at having met two black people in uniform. Clearly this is nothing unusual here.)


The turbolift arrives, and from there it's a short walk to the mess.



He checks the time before heading in. 1237, so he has some time to look around before Ensign Kim is scheduled to arrive.


There are BLUE people???

The strange monstrous people seem to be getting food and generally acting normal. Laurence is going to try his best to pretend this isn't happening and also act normal.

He doesn't move at first. Instead, he carefully edges out of the doorway so he's not blocking it, then looks around to see what other people are doing. Is there a bar or just tables with people eating replicated food? Do most people seem to be sitting with established groups? Anyone reading or doing other things while they eat, or just hanging out at the tables not eating?

(Looking around and holding still also gives him an excuse to brace himself and not make any sudden motions around the monstrous people.)


There's no bar, just a few replicators.

If Laurence watches for a few minutes, he'll see some instances of people joining existing groups. Either people are comfortable joining other groups or they were running late: it's not really possibly to distinguish the two. 

Lots of people are reading, although most of them are either eating or continuing to read after finishing their plate. Everybody who's reading is doing so on a PADD, so it may not be recognizable to Laurence as reading. 

Similarly, there are some people hanging out, not eating, but most of them have empty plates.


He doesn't want to start eating until Ensign Kim arrives, and doesn't feel quite comfortable joining any of the existing groups. It would be pretty pointless to sit by himself and wait. So he'll leave the mess and wander the halls a bit more to familiarize himself with the layout of the ship.

He consults the map again. What other areas might he recognize on it?


Some labels of interest that may or may not be familiar to Laurence: 


Captain's ready room

Escape pods 





Cargo Bay 

Several transporters

Several torpedo bays

Phaser Array

Structural Integrity Field Generator

Science Labs 

Water Storage 

Life Support

Emergency Life Support

Deflector Screen

Deuterium Processing


Docking Ports

Warp Core

Several shuttle bays


Main Computer Core 

Warp Nacelles


Most of these are impenetrable. Captain's ready room, he understands. Mess and gymnasium and cargo bay. Holodeck and sickbay he has been to already. He can imagine what Water Storage is. Science Laboratory makes sense in theory, but why would there be one on a ship? He knows what "docking" is but a "port" being part of a ship doesn't make much sense to him. Everything else might as well be in Chinese.

Perhaps he'll ask Ensign Kim about this later.

How far is the gymnasium? Does he have time to investigate it briefly before lunch?

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