William Laurence on Voyager
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When Kim arrives, Laurence has managed to set his quarters up to be reasonably hospitable. The table has chairs set around it, there are packs of cards, there is a decanter of wine and glasses. He considered asking the replicator for cigars, but decided against it given his lack of certainty about the fire danger on this ship.

Laurence is sitting in one of the chairs with his PADD. He's still putting his fingers on the screen like some sort of animal.

"Good evening. Could you demonstrate the use of this device for me?"


Of course Laurence doesn't know how to use a PADD.


Oh that must be why Laurence replicated a physical map!


Wait probably teaching Laurence how to use a PADD was supposed to be his job when Janeway assigned him to get Laurence oriented


Was there anything else he missed



"Sorry, I should have explained about PADDs when we first met."

Harry teaches Laurence how to use a PADD.


Laurence is attentive and learns quickly.


Meanwhile, outside Laurence's room: 

Tom hesitates at the door. This was probably going to be awkward no matter what he does. Oh well.


B'elanna shows up a few seconds later. 

"You have to push the button, you know."

She pushes the doorbell, and a chime sounds in Laurence's room.


She lightly shoves Tom into the room.

"Harry said you were hosting card games?"


Wait, did he remember to tell Laurence about aliens?


Laurence is mildly shocked at B'elanna's appearance in his quarters.

(Kim invited a woman to their card game??)


Ok, Laurence looks pretty freaked out, actually. But Harry knows that Laurence met Tuvok. Maybe he... didn't notice the ears? And B'elanna is more obviously an alien?


How does he handle this?


He recovers his composure quickly. "Good evening, Paris." Then he nods stiffly to B'elanna. "I don't believe we have been introduced."


"B'elanna Torres."

She sticks out her hand.

"I think I saw you in Tuvok's 'boot camp'. Wasn't exactly a good time for introductions."


"No, I suppose not." He hesitates, then takes her hand with a slight bow, suppressing the instinct to kiss it. Somehow she doesn't look like she would appreciate that ordinary courtesy. "William Laurence."

He tries not to stare at her forehead. Up close, it looks almost too regular to be a scar. Some sort of ritual disfigurement?


Ok Laurence seems to have gotten over it pretty quickly. Maybe he knows about aliens in general and just hasn't seen a Klingon before? That would be convenient since it wouldn't require Harry to do anything awkward. 


Having been exposed to a third Weird Starfleet Thing where the ship got stuck in a black hole, Harry is still pretty happy with Laurence's arrival, but this is not very fun to navigate.


Something weird happened when Laurence greeted B'elanna. Maybe because she's Klingon? Maybe Laurence wasn't expecting a woman at cards?

There's no obvious way to find out and no obvious benefit to doing so, especially since Laurence probably thinks he's an idiot after their introduction.

"So, uh, what are we playing?"


(B'elanna did not really notice anything odd)


Laurence clears his throat somewhat diffidently. "I had thought to consult the opinion of the group on what games might prove most suitable." He did verify with the computer that games with 52 card decks are still played in this time, and that even some of the ones he plays-- played, he thinks painfully-- are still around, but the computer was unable to answer questions about how likely the crew were to know any particular ones. "I have chiefly been used to playing whist, and I understand it is still played by some in this time, but I don't know if you are familiar?" He glances around.


He's heard of whist, although he doesn't actually know the rules.

"No, but we can learn, I think."


Laurence will explain the rules of whist, then. It's a trick-taking game, so it has some similarity to modern games that they might (or might not?) have seen before. It's convenient that they have four people to make two pairs from opposing sides of the table. He'll invite them to sit down, and also partake of the wine.

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