William Laurence on Voyager
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Harry shows up about 10 minutes later, looking slightly disheveled.


Harry has been feeling increasingly awkward about the "Mr. Laurence" thing but he doesn't really want to deal with it right now.

"-, give me one second and I'll get you scanned."

He pulls out his tricorder and pans it over Laurence.


"Good morning," Laurence responds reflexively, and stands there while Kim waves around his whatever-it-is.


"Ok, you should be good. I'm gonna see if I can grab another bit of sleep, but congrats again."

He walks out.


"W--" Laurence fails to get out any words before Ensign Kim is gone.

Is... he supposed to... do something now? Surely that wasn't everything involved in taking his measurements?


He's not quite sure this will work, but the captain is probably waiting for him, so he'll give it a try.

He addresses the replicator. "Starfleet security uniform."


A yellow uniform!


How... does this clothing work.

Laurence takes a while trying to figure this out, as well as the... undergarments situation. He ends up with a uniform that sort of seems to fit him, but he doesn't think he's put it on entirely correctly and it looks a little odd.

Also, he's still wearing his buckled shoes. He doesn't remember what kind of shoes the other crew were wearing and these should be fine, anyway. At least they're not too decorative so he hopes they won't seem gaudy to the other crewmen.

He checks the time with the computer before heading up to the captain's ready room.


Laurence enters. He's mostly used to the self-opening doors by this time. He waits for Janeway to speak first, since she's his superior now.


Janeway puts down her third cup of coffee this morning. She's had a long night.

"Leiutenant Tuvok wrote me a report" she holds up a PADD "describing your performance on his tests as  'satisfactory'. High praise, coming from him."

She stands up, taking a pip from her desk, and carefully pins it to his collar.

"I didn't get the chance to say it when you arrived, so - welcome aboard, Ensign Laurence. We're glad to have you."



"Thank you, Captain." It's remarkably gratifying, despite being a significant demotion from his former rank. He suspected that he must have performed very well on Tuvok's tests to have passed despite his severe deficiencies, but it's good to hear it confirmed.

He should perhaps feel more saddened by his change of circumstances than he is, but it's hard to feel sad with the captain looking at him with approval.


As she pins the pip on his collar, he suddenly remembers that she is an unmarried woman and they are alone in a room and this actually isn't the first time this has happened but it is far more noticeable with her hands so close to his face. Do Starfleet women officers care for their reputation at all? They must not. He is seized with guilt at causing such disrepute to her, yet... it seems she feels no such concern.

His face flushes and he stands with his hands stiffly at his sides.


Ah, that's the "I'm an 18th century man unsupervised with a woman oh no" look. She hadn't expected to see that in real life.

Unfortunately, Laurence is now in her chain of command.


She steps back. 

"Lieutenant Tuvok will be running a boot camp to help you and the Maquis integrate into the crew, starting at 0830 in cargo bay 2."

She hadn't initially thought that would be necessary, but between B'elana punching Carey and Laurence showing up from 1804 it seems wise.


She'd been planning on correcting the "sir"in person but it didn't actually come up. Oh well.



Laurence ducks his head awkwardly in acknowledgment and leaves.

He'll go back to his room to consult his map about the location of cargo bay 2 and be there at 8:30.


Cargo bay 2 turns out to be a large, mostly empty room. There are a few boxes, about as tall as Laurence and equally wide and deep, piled in a corner. 

Laurence is a few minutes early. Who's here?


Tuvok is standing there, expressionless.


A ... teenager? is staring at the floor.


A man stands close to him, looking around as if scanning for threats.


More people filter in. About 30, all told, by 0830.


A half-Klingon woman storms in at 0830 on the dot (not that Laurence has any way to know that).

"Tuvok! I can't believe you've dragged me into this utter waste of time! I'm fending off power failures left and right, I was up all night saving the ship from a quantum singularity, the captain wants the warp drive operational by 1300 and now you want me here to relive my lovely days at the academy?"


How shockingly rude. And to a superior officer, too.

He wonders a little about what happened to her face, but this is eclipsed by his surprise and disapproval at her behavior.


Laurence is not aware that B'elanna is, as of a few hours ago, the head of a different yellow department, and of equal rank to Tuvok.


"Perhaps if you had completed your time at the academy, you would have learned not to strike your crewmates over engineering disputes. My recommendation was that you be court martialed, which I expect you would have found a much greater imposition."


Before B'elanna can reply, a Bollian strolls in, eyeing the fight with amusement.

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