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He takes it lightly. 

Weighs it. 

Yes, weak. Seeking approval. Well, that he can work with. 

A very small smile that will look perfectly genuine even if the boy tries his Telepathy, and a nod of approbation. Well done, child. 

The force of it will hit Ambrose like a blow.

He hands it off. If a servant is not there to take it before he grows impatient and lets it fall, well, they know what the consequences will be. 

"Well chosen." 

He looks at Ambrose... not expectantly, but making it clear that it is his turn to speak and say something intelligent right now. It's amazing how much that upsets people.



Ambrose plays it safe. “Thank you, sir.”

He looks at Galora. There could be no finer choice than her.

“Would you permit me to sit with your daughter for some time? I wish for the opportunity to get to know her better.”


A long measuring stare. 

Grudgingly granted. A great favour. Don't waste it. Impress me. 

That is the impression Ambrose will have. All he has to say is "Very well."

It's almost depressingly easy. 

He settles himself down to watch.


The young lord sits next to Galora, maintaining a respectful distance. Her father’s gaze burns into the side of his head; he can feel it.

Eyes only on her.

A gentle smile. “Hello.” 


Maybe he got the message?

Maybe he was just being normally polite and he's about to blunder horribly?


-he's so sweet look at him he should be anywhere but here-

Maybe all this is stupid. What are her goals.

Well, she's made her choice already. Not marrying Ambrose at this point would be a severe blow. She simply needs to wrap him up now. What Father will think of her methods is - less of a worry than it was, he can't actually block the marriage, not cheaply. This is what all these months and years of looking harmless has bought her - breathing room. 

So Ambrose needs to love her, needs to love her desperately, needs to want to marry her now, ideally needs to propose right here or at least soon. 

She turns square towards him and smiles, teeth dazzling, eyes bright. 

"Lord Ambrose. I- it's wonderful to see you again."


His smile widens. “And it is wonderful to see you. I hope I did not interrupt your needlework. You have a very fine hand.”

Needlework bores Ambrose to death, and if she’s anything like the woman he met last night, she probably isn’t enjoying it either. That doesn’t mean she isn’t good at it.

She would probably be amazing at everything, if she tried.

Besides, it’s probably what her father wants them to talk about. Ambrose needs to play it safe.


Father knows needlework bothers her, damn him to Hell, and-

And that isn't relevant. 

Her mind whirls frantically. 

...It's awful to admit but she's in a position now where she has to take risks. 

"Terribly dull, isn't it." More honest than one ought to be in front of Lord Kreel. "One imagines a wizard would abound in more... exotic things to discuss." She leans forwards, a movement that looks quite natural, and emphasises her bosom by the way she leans on her knee. 


A chuckle. “I could speak to you of some of my adventures, or of my research projects. I will tell you story after story, if it would so please you. But in truth, I wish to know you too, Miss Kreel. The kind of life that you picture for yourself, so that I may provide it for you.”

He leans forward a fraction, not looking down. “I like red too, by the way. But I prefer blue, like the night sky in the summer.”


-That's something she hasn't actually let herself think about too much, in case it was used against her. What she'd actually do after Father was dead. 

Think fast think fast-

-Something Ambrose can give her? Something he'd have to work hard to give her, to encourage him to pay attention? Something pitiful, to turn him against Father and encourage him to marry her sooner? 

All of those-

All this she thinks in the time it takes her to stretch languourously and reposition herself so she leans towards him, leg slightly cocked, head tilted. 

"My Lord - your solicitousness is a wondrous thing. In truth I have not given it much thought. I think- I would like to be able to read. To read everything - perhaps I cannot read every book, but surely every good book - of course it is not possible for an unmarried lady, but perhaps a mama's eccentricities might be tolerated." That even has the advantage of being true, even if it isn't all of her ambition. 


He softens so sweetly around the edges. “You wish to be a mother? That is– good. How many children would you want?”


Absolutely NOT until Father is stone dead and she controls the family, she will not even think about it. 

"I would be grateful for them whatever the number," her lips complete for her as she reels, "as long as I had their father by my side." 


Is she real? Her responses all seem too perfect to be true, and her father is watching.

Perhaps he should have faith.

“Of course. I would be preoccupied from time to time with my duties, but there is no reason that I would not be able to take you with me.” His ears turn pink. “That is, of course, if you would accept my interest.”


Of course I would.

Careful, careful, it mustn't seem like he can reach her too easily... nor like he should give up...

She smiles mysteriously. An eyebrow arches playfully. "Mm?" She inspects her fingernails. "And what would you do if I would?"


He nearly laughs again, fondly. “I am afraid I have not been entirely honest with you. My affection for you extends beyond last night. In fact, you… captured my notice right away, Miss Kreel, the morning of your debut. I was only there for a family obligation, I was going to return to Silvermoon soon after, but for you… I bid myself stay, until I finally found the right time to approach you.”

Ambrose reaches out a hand, letting her decide whether she wants to take it or not. “So I think,” he continues slowly, “that if you were accept, there would not be a happier man in the ton, or indeed in all of Valynrest.”


She takes his hand without an instant's hesitation, her grip not quite strong enough to be painful, her nails tracing patterns on the inside of his wrist.

Her eyes could swallow the world when she leans in close. 

"Accept what?" she breathes.


It’s too early to propose. Far too early, he still needs to get to know her first–

“Me.” He breathes back. “What I could be for you.”


The easiest way to play this is to just be honest. 

It's not a familiar move to make. 

But she doesn't have to think about it.

"Hmm," she wonders, drawing it out, licking her lips. "Why don't you show me what you can be for me?"


If it were any child of his but Galora, he would assume she was up to something. As it is... probably just trying to finalise things. 

So his focus is on Ambrose. 

Should he be the stern father, or let himself go on fading into the background?

...He will see where the girl is going with this. 


His l eyebrows knit together.

Is she… trying to get him to kiss her? …In front of her father?

Oh gods, he wants to kiss her so badly, but not when Lord Kreel is watching! Why would she even try such a thing? Is that common around these parts? He has never actually properly courted someone before, does everything have to happen in front of a chaperone?

Galora watches as the panic flashes through his dark eyes.

“I will. I assure you, I will.” He compromises, squeezing her hand and leaning away slightly. “In time, as we get to know one another better.” A pause. “My mother is hosting tea for the Duke tomorrow afternoon, but I am available in the morning. Would you care to promenade with me?”


She grins a fierce sudden genuine grin. Gods it's good to watch him panic. 

"Tomorrow morning? Hmm. You need time to prepare, then?" She teases. 

"I would be delighted."


“I must see to my liege lord this afternoon,” he responds remorsefully, though he lights up at her answer. 

That grin – there’s something to it, something that sends a rush down his spine. 

“Very well, my lady. I shall come and retrieve you tomorrow – with your father’s blessing, of course.” At last he turns to Infrexus.


He turns his head a little in Ambrose's direction, but does not nod. 

He will need to do better. 




What does Lord Kreel want from him?

He turns back to Galora. Beautiful Galora.

It doesn’t feel right leaving her here, with that man. She can fend for herself, Ambrose is certain, but when the time is right, he is going to make sure she never has to again.

“While you will still have me this morning, I recall I promised you stories.”

It is difficult to pretend that her father is not paying close attention, but Galora has a way of making him feel that she is the only thing worth focusing on. He speaks for some time – he tells her of the fairytales of his life, the adventures he has been thrust into, the wonders of worlds beyond their own. He speaks of green dragons and blue fairies, of white elves and grey dwarves, and of magical castles and talking cats. 

He is a character from a storybook, but there he sits before Galora, as real as the roses in her hand.

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