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Gently, now, very carefully...

She casts her eyes down. "I... I'm sorry. It has been... truly wonderful to meet you tonight. I did not want you to be unprepared. If," her eyes are huge, "you still wish to call on me tomorrow?"


The guilt strikes his heart like a broken harp-string.

“No– no, you have nothing to apologise for.” He lets her go, realising he has been holding onto her for too long. “Of course. It would be my pleasure to see you again.”

He bows, kissing the hand with his fingerprints on it. “Miss Kreel.”


The smile reaches all the way to her eyes this time. 



Curse elves.

He and Ophel came in the same fucking carriage so the fucking laws of etiquette say he has to come and find him if he wants to leave. 

Never mind that they have a BABY DRAGON to take care of, oh no. Ophel is "out near the maze somewhere".

He comes to yet another dead end and something snaps. 

Fuck it. 

He forces his way through a tiny gap in the hedge, and keeps on going.

Damn elf. 



“Excuse me,” a disgruntled, high-pitched voice pipes up from the bushes. “Are you aware that you are cheating, sir?”


He turns. Slowly. 

He reaches up and removes a twig from his hair. 

"No," he growls. "I thought this was all part of the fun."

Who IS this?


“You are looking at me now.” The squeaky voice grows even more annoyed. “I am all around you. Well – not up. Or down, really. …Allow me to amend: I am either side of you.”



Is he talking to a hedge.

"Right. Well. Pleasure to meet you, I'm sure. Have you seen an incredibly annoying elf anywhere?"


“No!” replies the hedge. “I have seen an elf, though. A rather pretty one. He had a companion with him. And below him. They seemed to be having a nice time.”


Of fucking course. 

He snarls. 



“Well, there is no need to be so rude. We are in a maze, human. Where do you think?” The hedge claps back.


"The centre. Which is stupid. That's where everyone who comes in will try to go. I'd have picked a dead end somewhere. Now-" he takes a deep breath. "Will you please tell me how to get there?"


“Why should I? You have terrible manners.”


Breathe in, breathe out. 

"Mr Huntingdon. Forgive me. It has been a trying evening. But your family has extended me hospitality for which I am most grateful, and now it is necessary that I retrieve my, ah, companion in order to return home and intrude no longer on your fine estate." That sounds appropriately posh. 


“…I am not Huntingdon.”

The hedge sounds like Voltur truly hurt its feelings.

“Get out.”


"...I'm sorry, what? Who are you, then?"


“I am the SPIRIT of the HEDGE!”

A passageway opens in the bushes behind Voltur, leading straight back into the garden.

“And YOU, sir, are very PRESUMPTUOUS.”


This is something the fucking Queen did because she thought it would be fucking funny, isn't it, is his slightly treasonous first thought. 

"I meant no offence, Spirit of the Hedge. I am surprised and offended on your behalf that, being an integral part of their estate, you are not entitled to use their name, and I shall petition the Queen at once to remedy the matter if it cannot otherwise be resolved."




“You would do such a thing?” It questions suspiciously. The passage behind Voltur closes a fraction.


"Of course. I am sure I will not even need to go so far. The Baron Huntingdon is a gentleman. I am confident that when the matter is pointed out to him, he will right this wrong at once."



It shuts entirely, and a new passage between the tall bushes opens up before him.

“Straight ahead, and then right.”


He bows. To the hedge. He says thank you, courteously. To the hedge. 

He walks, being very careful not to stomp, up to Ophel. 

If the elf isn't ready to come home right now he's being picked up by the scruff of his neck. 


Just before Voltur can make it to the centre, a familiar figure steps neatly before him. 

Ophel smiles, fully dressed, blocking the view ahead with his tall frame. Nothing seems amiss other than a single hair out of place, and a bruise peeking through his collar.

“Hello, Your Grace. Have you tired of this evening’s revelries?”

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