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Tears prick at her eyes. “Really?”


"Why, no, that was all an extremely amusing practical joke at your expense. Yes, foolish girl, you have the potential, goodness knows how." 


Suddenly, the Queen is being embraced. Tightly.




...This was not something she expected to happen. 

...This is not something that often happens to her. 

Hesitantly, she pats the girl on the back. 


Somewhere behind them all, armed guards sheath their blades and carry on their silent way.


She pulls away before she really pushes it.

“Thank you, Your Majesty. Thank you.” A pause. “What am I to do?”


She raises an eyebrow. "Why, learn wizardry, of course. An untrained wizard is an ill thing indeed. You are a clever woman, are you not, Miss Bridgerton? You were at great pains to point out that your brain is the equal of any man's. You will face many such difficulties if you walk a wizard's path. Solve this problem, Miss Bridgerton. Good evening to you. You are dismissed."


“Yes. Yes, of course, Your Majesty, thank you.” She curtsies low, and scampers back to Voltur.

“She called me a wizard!” Voltur has never seen Eloise so happy.


He cracks a smile. "I think that means she likes you. And she didn't even turn you into a frog."


She takes the lemonade from Ambrose and sips it slowly. 

This changes many things.

The Duke Voltur is already the Queen's favourite - not that she has a choice, if he were capable of thinking that way he could probably make himself King by force - and if she is showing this much favour to his betrothed as well... the Bridgertons are not especially friends of her family, for now. 

Powers are realigning. If she marries Ambrose and presses in the right place she can cut Father off, isolate him, make him vulnerable. 

She places a hand on Ambrose's arm, nestling carefully so that she can secretly trace her sharp fingernails over his ribcage. She smiles at him coyly, and sips again. 


Did the Queen just–? Huh. Alright.

…Anyway, that is absolutely not his problem for now. Good on Eloise, though.

Galora’s touch draws his focus back to her in an instant. He gives the woman on his arm a faint smile. “I apologise for placing you in a difficult position earlier.”



It's too early by far to bring Ambrose on board fully, if she ever does decide to take him into her confidence. That's an enormous risk, not one she would normally countenance, but if they are to be married the difficulty of secrecy will make it necessary in the end.

She gives him a conspiratorial look. "I may accept your apology, if you tell me what it was that made you so angry." She takes the sting out of her words with a wink.


He sighs. 

Galora gets the sense that he trusts her.

“I do not believe my family have made a good impression on your father. His Grace tells me that Lord Kreel doubts our… integrity, having left the Empire to settle here some time ago. But,” he squeezes the hand she has placed over his arm, his strange ring gleaming, “you need not worry. I shall speak with him myself, tomorrow, if you will still have me call on you. I shall change your father’s mind about us.”


For some reason her heart stops for a moment, on hearing that. 

Foolish. Father cannot get away with hurting Ambrose. 

"I think I insist that you do call on me." Now something riskier... "Can you keep a secret?"


His brows knit together, and he leans forward. “Of course.”


She leans in too close and whispers into his ear. "He's behind the rumours that your family tried to poison the Emperor." Get him used to thinking of Father as the enemy. "It's all right if you did, as long as he deserved it." A joke, but get him thinking about that sort of thing...


His grip on Galora’s hand tightens. “I was not aware of such rumours.”


Her grip on his tightens.

Let him play the righteous man, then. Excellent. This makes him a lot safer to talk to.

She leans in closer - the Queen declared them engaged, she should be able to get away with this - and very lightly brushed his ear with her lips. "My father is... not a good man. Nor are his friends. I do not think, in fact, I have ever known a good man."


The brush to his ear sends sparks through his skin. In his alarm, he turns his head abruptly in her direction.

Her eyes are just as captivating as her words.

“Why are you telling me this?” Ambrose asks, guarded all of a sudden.

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