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At last, the elf turns around. “You believe that you are not good enough for Silvermoon?”


How did he know–

“No. No, not at all. I merely– I merely worry that this plan is far-fetched, that is all.”


He sits on the floor next to her. “I couldn’t even hold a wand the right way around when I first started, if it is any consolation.”


He furrows his brow. "If it is acceptance that concerns you - even if they find Edmund uninteresting, I am certain that I can offer them something." A whole archduchy has to be good for that at least. 


“Yes. The Board have absolutely zero morals.”


“There is no need to get sarcastic,” she snaps.


“That wasn’t sarcasm!” He defends truthfully.


“Miss Bridgerton,” he coaxes. “It is worth a try.”


“What is it like there?”


Ambrose smiles wistfully. “Wondrous. Beyond that, Silvermoon defies description. Besides, there will be plenty of space for the dragon to play, and I too will be there often, if you wish for someone to keep an eye on you.”

Maybe with Galora.


“…This problem started when I ran off with one man. I do not believe my family will rejoice at me running off with another, to a place so far out of reach it might as well be a fairytale.”


He gazes at Eloise curiously for a long time.

Oh. I see.


She meets the elf’s eye for a moment, furrowing her brow. What is he looking at?


“There are plenty of women there too,” he points out. “And others neither and in between. My own master is a woman, insofar as elves have a concept of gender identity.”


He nods approvingly at Ambrose’s statement. “Indeed. I have spent some years as a woman myself. It is rather fluid, for my people. But I do believe, Lord Ambrose, that that is beside the point.”


“Oh. Of course.” Ambrose apologises sheepishly. “Sorry, I do have a tendency to ramble.”


“You were a woman?


“Yes. I was a baby once, too.” The elf drawls.


“I– anyway, do not purchase my way in!” Eloise protests to Voltur. “If, and I mean IF I am to go, it will be by virtue of my own intelligence.”


He puts a hand to his head. "Eloise. I admit that most of this was my fault, but we're having a hard enough time getting out of it anyway - will you really spend your life married to me, rather than offer the Academy something to encourage your admission?"


“Will I sound cruel if I say the latter?”


"You sound cruel anyway, Eloise. Those who care for you bear it with a smile."


She sighs. “It is not personal. Any woman would be wonderfully lucky to become your Duchess, I am sure. You are a good friend, I simply… do not feel that way towards you.”

Or any man, for that matter. Perhaps she just hasn’t met the right one yet.

She doubts she ever will.

“…We will remain friends if our plan succeeds, will we not?”

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