Rachel and Sadde in the City of Angles
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It is.

"Oh," she says. "… Are you feeling okay?"


"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"


"I just–" she starts, then cuts herself off. "I was just, you know, wondering."

… Does she tell someone about this? It's– it's not exactly a subtle change, like, she was very much male and physically male and– not that, not female yesterday? And before? So Rachel's a little worried about things.


She shrugs. "I'm fine. But how about you? Dealing well with the... copy thing?"


"Yeah," she says. "It doesn't really affect me, I don't think, except it just means that– basically, the people who I thought I was leaving behind, I'm not. So," she shrugs. "Would be better if I were still there, obviously, but I'm not, so."

She'll just… tentatively treat this person as if they're Sadde and nothing's at all wrong.


And Sadde will be oblivious about the possibility that something could be at all wrong.

"Yeah. I'm sorry about that."


She shrugs. "I'm just gonna try to get past it – it's not like it needs to impact how I live the rest of my life, I don't think."


"Yeah, you're fine, I guess."




"I mean, doesn't look like you're traumatized or freaking out or anything," she shrugs.


"Yeah," she says. "I don't think it would help much, so I'm trying– not to."


"Yeah. Does it—change anything? About your plans or stuff?"


"I don't think so," she says. "I was sort of taking it as I can't get back to Earth, and I still can't, so I'm not sure what it'd actually alter unless it made me feel worthless or something, but that's not really something I'd do, I don't think."


"Yeah. ...that lady sure was upset, though."


"She was," agrees Rachel. "Definitely very upset."


"I don't really get it, but being a native I suppose I wouldn't."


"I don't think it was the fact that she has a her back on Earth that's the issue, I think it's that she's got a copy period, which is weird to me too, it's weird that I have a copy, but it doesn't actually make me worry or anything unless she's a secretly evil copy of me, which she's not, because I'm the copy."


"I mean, philosophical mumbo jumbo in my opinion, there isn't a whole lot of difference between being a copy or an original or whatever," she shrugs. "But then again, I'm not exactly super religious or anything."


"I mean, I'm still walking and talking like a person, and not that you can verify this but I still feel just like I'm a person, I think, so there isn't really much difference in my mind." She shrugs.


"Yeah, that's pretty much how I figure it."



And then she's finished eating, how wonderful this is. "I think I'm gonna go back to my room," says Rachel. And find someone to tell about Sadde being weirdly different today, she doesn't say.


"Alright. Good luck, I suppose."


So up she gets to try to find a member of staff or someone to whom she can mention that Sadde is different, because aaah.


Well outside the motel there are the Department of Security she has to show her badge to to be let out.


She'll go up to them then! "Hi there. I'm a little worried about someone's behavior and I'm not sure who to talk to."

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