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SithDusk's story continues
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"I rather believed so.  I just wasn't about to discount the subject-matter expert.  ...Welcome back," she murmurs.  It's hard to pin down the emotion in her voice, too, though for what are likely vastly different reasons.


"Mm. Give it an hour or two. Back to the Spectrum?" the invitation includes the Darth.


...Does it include the Jedi?  It's Lord Pradnakt's ship, after all.


She'd been assuming, but she should ask. "We're bringing them back to their ship, right? Or is there room here? Rafiik I assume is with me in any case."


"There's room aboard, or we...could...shuttle them, but it seems rather a poor idea, given."  Pradnakt presumably needs her space.


"As you all prefer, then; I might not be very good company for the next while but Tim can pilot the ship without me."


(Nine, meanwhile, makes his way from the inconspicuous spot by the door where he's been stationed to stand beside Lord Pradnakt. She hesitates, but leans into him, and he puts an arm around her shoulders.)


"...It is your ship."  Much more...  Personally...  Than the Cloak is Darth Kalbetis'.

"If you would rather we not disturb it, I think we would much rather not disturb you."


She's not even slightly unsnuggling from Nine, which doesn't diminish the effect of the look she gives Ries but does make for an interesting counterpoint. "If I hadn't meant the offer I wouldn't have made it."


"I'm quite sure.  But that does not mean that you might not nonetheless have a preference to not have so many Jedi on the ship you are...  Decompressing, on, if you intend to do so there."


"She's taken that into account already, sir." And the Cloak isn't nearly big enough for which ship they're on to make a difference in how unsettled Daisy's Sith is by the Jedi's proximity.


"...If all else does hold equal, then - then I do suppose Knight Chion will be reassured by our safe return."


"That's settled, then." and she looks to the Darth to lead the way.


...It's Lord Pradnakt's ship --

Although, if personal contact isn't contraindicated, perhaps she could supplement Nine as she walks them all back to the Nightfall Spectrum.


Well, so much for Pradnakt's clever plan to get Kalbetis to her ship without acknowledging that they're on cuddling terms, not that she's in any state to complain about it right now. She'll just try to avoid clinging. ...try to avoid clinging too much.


There, there.  Getting swept up by a Darth in motion does not have to constitute something that looks like cuddling to an outside perspective.

...Not that she doesn't really want that reassurance herself.  But she knows better than to let it look like she might.


...Right, they are not getting in the middle of whatever that may be by acknowledging it at all, he knows better.


(Oh. No complaints, then.)


When they get to the ship, Daisy sends Kalbetis to take Pradnakt to her room. "I'd better stay with them. Nine, can you stay with our guests?"

    "Sure." He moves to the kitchen to get out of everyone's way as Daisy follows the Sith. "Does anyone want tea?"


"Tea sounds lovely, please."


While social niceties occur in the kitchen/lounge, Darth Kalbetis quite firmly shuts the door behind them as she gets Pradnakt into her bedroom.  "...Should I stay?"  Because she really does want that reassuring hug/cuddle/etc., but not at Pradnakt's expense.


Pradnakt has tucked her face into the crook of Kalbetis' neck and fully glommed onto her before she's even done with the sentence. "Yeah. - I'll be fine, it's just. Hard. When the emotions come back."


Right, she's just going to get her mask out of the way of the cuddling.  And also glom on.

"...Yeah.  When you repress something, even unknowingly or perhaps especially unknowingly in my case - you remember a couple days ago -

"...It does tend to come back with a vengeance, when you can't keep it from showing anymore."


"Yeah, exactly."

There is a chair in the room, but just a small one, not at all compatible with their current state of glom. The bed is much more accommodating, and Pradnakt navigates them in that direction. Daisy comes in while she's doing so, pausing at the door to get confirmation that Pradnakt wants her here.

"You okay with that, with your mask off?"


"The mask is...much more about signalling to myself, and to others, that I'm - being a Darth right now, than it is any sort of principled objection to anyone seeing my face.  I might not want the Jedi to see me with my mask off, but Daisy - yes, she's welcome to see my face bared."

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