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SithDusk's story continues
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"It's all right, sir. We appreciate that you tried."


"I do not appreciate that I was not able to help," he all but hisses.  And, with having failed once spurring him on...

This time, he manages it, the sudden iron will that got him to stand back up after disaster struck, to, even seriously injured and feeling the pain of the lives he lost, try - clamping on to the technique with a vengeance.


He can tell that Pradnakt is monitoring him closely, poised to counterweight his attempt if it's too zealous, but she won't interfere unless and until there's a problem.


Fynn'che Ries has intimate knowledge of where to draw the line.  Lord Pradnakt's intervention will not be required, though it's appreciated that someone would mind.


...Well.  That's this patient done, and the Jedi in various states of "handling this well enough" to "with firmed resolve, quite ready for more".  But, ah...  Lord Pradnakt...


Daisy's already on it. "Ma'am..."


"Yes, right," and Pradnakt steps that fraction back away from the Force, a little frayed around the edges for it but ultimately intact. She glances at Kalbetis, a brief acknowledgement of the Darth's worry, before turning her attention to the next patient.


A brief tip of the head, that might simply look like Darth Kalbetis fixing eyes on that next patient to people who aren't Sith, acknowledges Lord Pradnakt's glance.


(Rafiik, who joined the meditation without fanfare after the rest of the Jedi and has been assisting Knight Bani, doesn't react at all to the minor adjustment in Lord Pradnakt's Force alignment; she was fully Dark when he had breakfast with her this morning, after all, and that went just fine. He does glance from the Sith to the other Jedi, though; he wouldn't be surprised if they don't all take it quite as well.)


Fynn'che Ries is...Looking right through Lord Pradnakt, in the moments after Daisy intervenes.  ...Quite possibly approvingly, which is the strange part.  The others range from mildly disconcerted (Knight Bani), to seemingly oblivious (Knight Jayn), to outright contemplative (Knight Khotar).


"Padawan Vidarra, a lesson - A Jedi releases their emotions to the Force - but not their self.  It may seem easier, to give yourself up to the Force entirely, to forget to care as people do and let only the Force move you - but in the long run, it will destroy you, and with you, the good you alone can do."


"Absolutely don't take me as a role model, here, yes. There's a price to what I'm doing."

    "Yes sir. I wasn't planning on it, ma'am."


" is a price I wish no-one felt the need to pay."


Now it's Darth Kalbetis' turn to stare through Master Ries.

"Spoken like someone who knows the price because they've paid it."


"Perhaps I have.  Does it matter?  This, too, is suffering.  And it is the highest calling of a Jedi to alleviate suffering.  Not," they add, "to fight Sith."


Rafiik looks thoughtful. "Yes sir."


Master Karmin looks vaguely disaffected, like he's already been through this lesson a dozen times.  Knight Bani is nodding along in firm agreement.  Knight Jayn is almost confused by the emphasis.  Knight Khotar...  Is simply quiet.  It's hard to tell if he's thinking about this or if he's already reached this conclusion and has nothing further to say about it.


"Sometimes the price is worth it, though."


"...Sometimes.  Sometimes it is.  Sometimes it will be.  To press on and do what one must, because one can.  But neither, I'd say, should one force oneself to pay that sort of price simply because in the moment it's easier than otherwise to sacrifice oneself - as much of a hypocrite as that surely must make me."


"...Well said," is all that Master Fynn'che Ries can say to that.

"...I believe we have other patients to attend...?"  Perhaps leaving these thoughts to percolate is best.


"That we do, yes.  Medea, who do we have next...?"


The medbay is quite ready to keep them all busy until it is time for them to stop for the night.


As soon as they finish with the last patient, Pradnakt takes a step back, Daisy takes a step forward - quite possibly more to protect the Jedi from her than her from the Jedi, given how she half-turns to keep an eye on her - and Pradnakt shifts her stance in the Force again, like taking a breath after too long underwater. She certainly doesn't look like a traditional Sith, even now, but where she could have passed for a Jedi to casual Force observation before, she definitely can't now.



Darth Kalbetis, by contrast, seems relieved to observe this, though she does also step forward, interposing herself, following Daisy's cue.


The Jedi, seeing this happen, seem to be rather deciding to not react to this in any particular way just yet.  They'll...See how it goes.  But it's not like their danger senses are firing.


It takes a moment for Pradnakt's Force presence to more-or-less settle. "I'm fine, you two," she says when it has, and it's hard to pin down the emotion in her voice.

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