okay by comparison Voa and Tapa look like thriving modern democracies
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Oh, good.



(Peka gets some outfits suitable for a princess running around in Valinor singing magic songs.)


She tries them all on once each and then because getting into and out of uniform in a timely manner is such a pain starts working on a song that will let her change clothes faster.


One time when she goes back to her mountain there is a little castle in the distance that definitely wasn't there last time.


Oooooh. She hikes castleward, playing with magic music as she goes.


It's pretty enough to fit right in. It's not very big. It does not seem to be inhabited.


She checks out all of its rooms!


This one has a Katin-sized crib and lots of Katin-toys all over! This one has so. many. musical. instruments. And lovely acoustics, too. 


The master bedroom is right adjacent to Katin's room and has extraordinary acoustics also, and a bed designed for people taller than Peka and stunning glassware and tapestries and fabrics.


There are snacks in the kitchen. They are Peka's favorites. 


There are hot springs. 


She is tempted to holler "come out, come out wherever you are" but this part is fun.


The next day she gets a bead that lets her fly.


oh gosh

It pairs so well with the invisibility.


Can Gem clear her schedule to tolerate some Orvaran theologians with carefully phrased wishes and strong feelings about pollution?


"This planet doesn't seem like an efficient use of peal attention at all. I mean, not that you can just kick it and run away after, but you sure kicked it."


"Thirteen billion is kind of a lot of miserable people. They'd have eventually killed all the reds and then been much cheaper to help, but I don't especially regret not waiting for that, and it might've taken long enough there were a whole lot more of them."


"I wish they were in range of me. Well. I can do portable cleansing powers."


"I wish Calado were your headache too, trust me. Thank you."


"You're welcome."

She wishes on powers for some theologians.

Most of them have innocuous results but one of them turns up with a power that kills and rapidly decays a target to the point at which the consensus position is that it has undergone enough natural processing to no longer be polluted. This is very distressing to the family of the test subject child.


He will buy a resurrection. Is everyone satisfied with the combination of the rest of them.


The theologian with the instarot power considers the fact that her wish got that result to be moderate evidence that nothing short of it suffices.


"I have somebody who can depower people if they aren't magic rocks, lemme know."



"The wish machinery runs off how you expect it to work, it's not evidence independent as that. Or are you taking the fact that any non-Amentan who wished on a power like that would get literally nothing at all as strong evidence that pollution doesn't exist at all?"


"I wasn't expecting this exact result. But apparently my understanding of theology has as a consequence that this is how to clean a red. - I do think the resurrection will also suffice but apparently that wasn't on the table for some reason."


"That this is a way to clean a red with no consequences unacceptable to you. We don't know why it did this instead of something else but 'nothing else would be adequate' is quite a jump, it's not as if it was starting from political desiderata like 'functions as a solution' and then finding the minimum satisfying procedure. The only thing you can conclude from getting that in particular is that that is adequate."


"I didn't wish for this in particular. I wouldn't have been unsatisfied if I'd gotten a - nondestructive lightshow, like some of the others -"


"But if this happened to be marginally more magically efficient and also perfectly satisfactory then you'd get this instead."


"If it were efficient the others would have gotten it too. And something like it would have happened to the dishes and the mice."

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