There are a lot of Amentan countries. Vanda Nossëo representatives are dispatched to all of them. These Elves (two with black hair, one with silver) take a shuttle down from the lightleaper to a country called Calado, and radio ahead to request permission to land at a elegant modern spaceport.
"Hi! I'm so glad you could make it. Mireo's lawyer's been grumbling about filing a hardship complaint, family's not supposed to have more than an hour's commute for visitation and with some species we're obliged to keep the commute under twenty minutes - could make the case Amentans ought to be one of those species..." She shows them the correct shuttle.
"Well, the prison conditions that are considered adequate vary a great deal by species - some need open water, say, or space to fly in. For some species regular contact with family dramatically reduces recidivism and the stress of an arrest, and for some, doesn't matter so much as long as they can email. Or some species, like Elves, just aren't structured so an hour's commute is inconvenient. The court's overarching job is to have a prison environment that is accessible, safe, and comfortable for anyone, but the details depend on circumstances. Mireo's lawyer would argue that we're not meeting our own standards for Amentan prisoners unless their families have a very short commute."