There is a certain bookstore just one street out of the way of the path between school and Terence's house. In that bookstore a certain corner has a large pile of unceremoniously stacked books labelled '25¢ each'. Terence is digging through them for science fiction. Most of it is self-improvement books, or recipe guides, or trashy romance novels. The few sci-fi pieces he finds will probably be really crappy science fiction, but he still has to try.
Kissing! Mentally framing the upcoming thing as not any stranger, let alone scarier, than kissing!
Sadde tries to be as soothing and approachable and whatever as possible, while still conveying the eeeeee kissing cute smart boy. He may not be succeeding, but he's sure trying, and he won't be the one to break the ice.
...Yeah, Terry will be the one to reach for the zippers. His first, then Sadde's. His face glows beet red during this.
Well, his face will be kissed for this! And now that he's expressed this desire and that he wants to go through with it, Sadde's hand might just slide down Terry's stomach to the appropriate place.
Uh. Yep. That's a thing. It's Terry's turn to be slightly-involuntarily squeezy with the hands.
...The kissing will continue, more eagerly.
Slight involuntary squeezes are very welcome, in context, yup. Sadde's squeezes and, er, other movements, will be more voluntary and guided than that, though, accompanied of course by a very enthusiastic response to said kisses.
Yup, that they are!
"...we might have a logistical problem going from my room to the bathroom."
"I, no, ah, one second," he says, and hops off the bed to run to his closet and grab a piece of underwear, which he throws at Terry. "Use that."
He does.
And then finds his shirt. Still going to wash it later, but for now...
"Is the shower also a just-a-raised-eyebrow situation?"
"Yes, we've had The Talk in what I presume was a much less traumatic way than most other teenagers manage. Come," he says, and leads the way, zipping up but not bothering with a shirt.
More making out!
Eventually, though, Terry wants to dry off and present the copied notes to Sadde's mom and meditate to check for active cards.
Laura finds the notes very interesting, though Sadde had presented a lot of their contents from memory.
All seems well then.
Terry should probably go home and finish his pile of homework. But it was a good day and maybe they can meet up again after school tomorrow.