There is a certain bookstore just one street out of the way of the path between school and Terence's house. In that bookstore a certain corner has a large pile of unceremoniously stacked books labelled '25¢ each'. Terence is digging through them for science fiction. Most of it is self-improvement books, or recipe guides, or trashy romance novels. The few sci-fi pieces he finds will probably be really crappy science fiction, but he still has to try.
"Ooh, I think I get your meaning. How about this?"
And he puts both hands on Terry's shoulders and kisses him.
...and continues kissing him. This ain't no slight peck.
"Mmmmmmmm." He is briefly suprised, then starts putting to use what he learned about kissing yesterday.
Pens get capped up and notebooks get tossed out of the way when he has enough brain to think of it. It wouldn't do to get tangled on writing supplies.
Nope, it wouldn't! Sadde himself, though, does not have enough brain for that. Just lots of kissing, right now.
But he might have enough brain to make vague bedwards gestures and movements and see if Terry likes the idea.
That... Makes him nervous and requires actual thought! He stops kissing for a moment. "...On the bed doesn't mean anything more than being more comfortable if we say it doesn't, right?"
"Absolutely. Enthusiastic consent and all, you can feel free to stop literally anything I do and set whatever boundaries you feel comfortable with and I will not be upset or hurt or angry or whatever and will not try to push you. This is a two-player game and it isn't nice if both of us aren't enjoying it."
"Cool. In that case, bed." He pulls Sadde towards it, really not expecting it to take much effort.
Pretty much zero effort, Sadde goes with and kicks his shoes off and oop they're on the bed now.
This is a new set of positions to kiss from. Terry has to try out a few before finding one he likes, which happens to leave them in a configuration that suggests cuddles, but without approaching actual cuddles.
Well, Sadde likes cuddles, if Terry ever wants cuddles he can have all the cuddles he likes, but regardless of cuddle status: kissing!
Terry's hands and mouth are slightly more adventurous today! Not all that adventurous, really, but one hand is in Sadde's hair and the other is on the outside of his leg, and his mouth occasionally ventures as far as Sadde's neck.
Well, Sadde will more or less mimic that, then! Except his hand moves. Specifically, the hand on Terry's leg might move up and down, and he might gauge Terry's reaction if it moves a bit rearward...?
Oooh! He very much approves of this development, and is now making appreciative noises. His hand might get a little bit grabby.
Tracing the outline of Sadde's abs is nice. But more than a little grabbiness in that particular area might be a bit much for now. Can he make this known without pausing the kissing?
He can, and Sadde will comply with Terry's desires and return to what he'd been doing before. It's not like this isn't still great fantastic awesome so good.
Perhaps there could be less shirts involved, here... Just the shirts though. For now.
Ooooooooooh! Yes! Sadde likes this idea a whole lot, and will even pause the kissing to regard and appreciate Terry a bit after shirts are gone.
Sadde is entirely unselfconscious and entirely appreciative and okay he has regarded enough back to kissing-that-now-involves-a-whole-lot-more-skin-contact.
Skin contact, yay. This could go on like so for a while.
There are some very obvious consequences to all this skin contact and kissing, but Terry isn't about to do anything more about it than occasionally glance pantsward and blush afterwards.
Sadde notices this, of course, and raises an eyebrow the third time he catches the glance. "D'you want to do something about that?" he pauses the kissing to ask.
"Nnnnno. Yes. Maybe? I'm not sure. New to this, and I'm not sure if the idea of doing more than like so is exciting or scary yet."
"Like I said, won't do anything you don't want to do. If my opinion counts for anything, though, it's really nice, in my experience, when both people are into it."
"I meant just one more step. Not... Three? If I'm picturing things right. Um. I need to research... Diseases before anything more than, er, hands."
...he bursts into a fit of giggles. "Yeees, one more," giggle, "step was what I meant, too. You're too cute. We can do just hands, or not-even-hands, up to you."