The first other girl to get up is Sue Li, but the others are not too far behind.
"I'm not finding anything. Do you want to ask the librarian? Not about our theory specifically, but the origins of magical creatures."
She walks over to the librarian's desk. "Hi, Ms Pince. Do you have a minute?"
"We were wondering if there are any books on where magical creatures come from. Like did they just appear someday or did someone make them?"
"I don't know but I'd like to. I understand if nobody knows though."
Sarah walks over to a table and sits down. "Well that's disappointing."
"Yeah, I guess. I'm just used to science where there's usually an answer or at least 'people are trying to find the answer but it's complicated.'"
"There are very few of us. Like... how many people are even scientists of any given type? How many—what are they called—the ones that study fossils..."
"I don't actually know. I never met one but I haven't met that many people."
"Well, those—how many of those are there? And there's, like, six billion people in the world. And almost no magical people. So maybe there just aren't enough of us to do much science."
"Yeah, that makes sense. It doesn't stop it from being disappointing though."
"That's true, I'm not sure how much that would help though. It depends on how many experiments muggles could actually do without wizards to help them."
"I'm sure we could get lots of teams with just one wizard to do stuff for most things."
"I worry that there might be good reasons for magic being secret I haven't learned yet."
"The only reason I've heard is that there aren't enough witches and wizards to help all the muggles. I don't know if that's true though. I heard it from one of my roommates."