The first other girl to get up is Sue Li, but the others are not too far behind.
She waves back! Then sits with a couple of girls to talk to them, while also being close enough to Malfoy that she sometimes includes him in conversation.
Sarah smiles then turns back to breakfast and her housemates. She hopes that Dayo will be able to get along with Pansy and Millicent despite the rocky introduction.
That's good. Sarah finishes her breakfast and waits for a few more people to finish their's before asking "Does anyone know how to get to the charms classroom?"
And Dayo takes the seat next to her. "Hello again, Girl-Who-Lived. Did you know our Charms teacher is part-goblin?"
"There must be some magic going on there, right, there's no way different species just happen to be cross-fertile like that..."
The Professor walks over to the desk, where he builds a pile of books to stand on so he can see over it. "I am Filius Flitwick, Charms Professor and Ravenclaw Head of House! I'll start taking the roll call."
He starts calling names, one by one, but when he reaches Sarah Potter he squeaks and falls off his books.
Sarah is a bit taken aback but quickly hides her surprise. It doesn't make sense that he was that surprised, but why would he intentionally fall.
It was more delight than surprise, really.
This lesson covers the basics of wand motion, incantation, and intention, and focuses on one of the simplest spells: the wand-lighting charm.
"I'm going to go find the library. Do any of you want to join me?" Sarah asks her housemates.