An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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Thank you. I can't start osanwë with a stranger without more than that to go off, can I see her arriving if we head outside?


Yeah, I think she's still in the air.


So they head outside. And now he can see her. Welcome to Eithel Sirion, Odette.


Thank you! It's a pleasure to meet you, she says, landing. Or, not exactly, but hovering only a few inches off the ground.


Please come in. I set up an appointment with my father and everyone else who should be involved in this discussion. 


Straight to business then. "Of course. But first--" and then she envelops her sister tightly in a hug.


Illia hugs back just as fiercely. They stand there for about half a minute.


And then Odette breaks off. "Alright, lead on."


"If you two would like some time together before the meeting I can arrange that."


She shakes her head. "If people are already waiting I don't want to keep them so."


"Thank you." He walks them into a conference room. The walls are covered in tapestries; there are bookshelves in the corner; the table is elaborated carved and lacquered. There are three people present. "Your grace, Odette Zavier, Illia's sister; Odette, Odette, these are Angrod lord of Dorthonion, Lalwen my father's chief advisor in matters of state, and my father Fingolfin, High King of the Noldor."


Are they trying to intimidate her? Plausible, but not overwhelmingly likely. She sweeps a Prussian curtsey. "Your Majesty. It's an honor to meet you." Politeness could do no harm and cost her nothing, after all.


The King nods. "We are likewise honored. Please make yourself comfortable. Can we offer you anything to eat or drink?"


"That--would be kind, thank you." Aaah how do you talk to a king normally she's pleased that Atennesi Cohen was never much for ceremony but it might have been useful now!


"Perhaps we can begin," he says, "by speaking of the war. We try for safety's sake to limit communications to the essentials for coordination; our desire to know how our allies and friends fare ends up secondary. Where is the fighting? How is it going? Are they well-supplied?"


She describes what she knows of the fighting and the logistics, which is more of the former than the latter given how she had been spending the past few days. She mentions that when last she saw them, Celegorm was "fine," Maedhros was "progressing quite impressively at magic, I didn't do nearly as well when I was starting out, but then I wasn't half as motivated," and Amrod was "disappointed that I couldn't get his twin back yet, that's why I'm hovering, the more magic I do the stronger I get so if I can think of a gratuitously magical way of doing something I do it, right now." She hadn't met any of the others.


He nods. "Thank you. We have a letter conveying the same sort of information, which we'd hoped you could convey back with you when you return. Are they expecting you at a particular time?"


"No, I only sporadically plan where I'm going to be even a day or two into the future."


"Reasonable, under conditions as volatile as these. We'll have someone set it aside for your return trip, then. 

You said you cannot resurrect people but think you'll soon be able to. How soon? How likely?"


"I don't know, exactly; there's no precedent. I've already confirmed the ability to render an appropriate mass of organic matter into a facsimile of a dead person's body using a blood template; doing it based on relatives is likely to be trickier but doable. At which point the question is whether or not I can steal back souls from Mandos and unite them with the body in question. There's some ambiguity to that--I tried reaching into Angband to steal back the Silmarils once they were explained to me, and I couldn't do it, but I doubt Mandos' essence is Morgoth's. My current obstacle is that I don't have the range to reach over the ocean in the first place. I hope to be able to perform at least one resurrection within a year, but factors I'm not currently unaware of might delay that."


"Thank you. There's also the possibility Mandos will be angered by this and retaliate. We are very certainly and dangerously subverting the will of the Valar in this. That is one of the two potential complications we desired to discuss with you."


"If the Valar won't do shit about Morgoth but will get off their asses to obstruct someone who is I think I'm even less impressed with them than I already was. Not that that means it necessarily isn't true."


"We think it's unlikely, but likely enough and catastrophic enough to merit discussing. We haven't known them to kill people when only indirectly provoked, but it's not impossible. It also could be that they'll change Mandos in a way that makes further revivals impossible."


"Worrisome. It might be worth seeing if I can grab everyone possible the first time my reach extends that far, just in case."


"That is one solution that presents itself, yes. We'll continue trying to think of others, and let you know should any of them seem workable."

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