An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"Your sister's visiting to figure out how to resurrect my uncle Fëanor of the ice and other errors we've discussed. I don't think that means she's done it and is trying to minimize the fallout, but it wouldn't stun me, and they certainly have clearly persuaded her that figuring out how it can be done is a priority, which -

- I don't blame my cousins but it will be a disaster."


"She hasn't done it yet. She told me she would be careful, and she doesn't lie to me. Your cousins wouldn't have had to try to convince her. All they would have to do is exist and not be terrible and her own empathy and the fact that she misses our parents would do the rest."


"I was hoping they'd slip up on the 'not be terrible' front," he grumbles.


"Last I heard the ones she had interacted with were Maedhros and Celegorm, the two you've spoken well of. And she had any idea at all what had happened to Maedhros, which, well. My sister...has something of a sense of justice that causes her to want to do good things for people who have had bad things happen to them."


"None of my cousins are irredeemably terrible, and Maedhros and Celegorm are certainly capable of as many atrocities as any of their brothers. But I do understand why she'd want to help, I just don't see how it won't be a mess."


"Well, presumably just talking about it won't hurt anything. And it will make her feel better if she's trying, even if it doesn't go anywhere."


"I will look forward to speaking with her."


"I look forward to seeing her. I haven't actually seen her face since I changed my eyes."


He smiles, at that. "Can she fly? If not, it's quite a dangerous and long trip."


"She can totally fly."


"In that case I will set out an extra plate for lunch tomorrow. Maedhros implied she was fighting tonight, and coming by afterwards."


"Wouldn't surprise me a bit. I hope she's taking care of herself."


"Me too. If needed you can encourage her to stay a while. I assume you're good at making sure she takes care of herself?"


"Yeah. It's not really hard."




Hey! I was just talking about you. How'd your side of the battle go?

"Oh, hey, speaking of. She just opened the channel."


I killed an enormous dragon-thing! And a lot of Balrogs. And I helped with the visibility over that one place, but then this really nasty magic guy Thauron showed up and Maedhros asked me to leave so I didn't get myself killed.


"All right," he says. She lights up when her sister talks to her.


So how have you been doing off the battlefield?


Sleeping, mostly. I've been spending a lot of time on a battlefield. Oh! I'm learning to ride horses! Mostly in battlefield related situations, admittedly. Tyelcormo--sorry, Celegorm, don't say that first name out loud, linguistic blackmail, he's really great. She sends a very blurry summary of her interactions with him. Maedhros continues to be appropriately depressing for the shit he went through, but he's good at what he does. Which includes magic. Oh, he had this really awesome armor that's going to have to be refitted now that he has two hands again. She sends the mental image of the armor.


"...Fingon. Please don't take it the wrong way if I say your cousin is really hot."


He definitely does not succeed at keeping a straight face. "Which cousin?"


"Maedhros. Odette sent me a mental image of his armor that's going to have to be refitted. I think I want to learn how to design armor just to have a chance of someday designing something that awesome."

Dammit, Odette, I have enough things to do without the need to begin, let alone master armorsmithing!


"Our people are gifted with metalworking, yes. I'm not sure how Maedhros would react to knowing mortals find him sexually appealing, but all right."


She bursts out laughing. It is pretty great, isn't it? I might be fixing it once there's a design.

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