An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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He comes in at some point, tiredly. "Thank you, Illia. The boring part of the siege begins now, hopefully."


"You're welcome. Thank you for not dying, I heard you did something reckless and totally worth it."


"I correctly anticipated that we'd get enough cover from the other side to pull it off. Not having as much information as I about that, everyone else thought I was being reckless. Anyway, one of my cousins did not make it out but one did, and his wife, and I won't have to apologize to their son."


"Ah. Which cousin didn't make it out? I'm sure Odette will want to know. For future reference."


"Aegnor", he says, and some memories - spiky hair growing straight up from a smiling face.


"I--I'm sorry to hear that. I'm really glad it turned out I could kill Balrogs."


"As are we all. Are you supposed to be in bed?"


"I'm healing people. They're singing something really great that just makes the pain--go away. For now. I'll be feeling it later."


"Well, it's convenient to know that our magic can delay paying the price of your magic indefinitely. Thank you for helping yesterday. You did well."


"I wish it hadn't been necessary."


"...I mean, I'm sure there are plenty of worlds without any evil in them. Ours got some, so we fight it."


"True enough. I'm really not looking forward to paying for it later, though. Not that I regret it."


"Yes, I can imagine. I'm sorry. I don't suppose there's anything to be done?"


"It was totally worth it. I'm...mostly hoping I can do most of my catching-up while unconscious."


"We have songs to help with extended sleep while someone is healing."


"That sounds fantastic."


"Let me know when you want to give it a shot. It'd be a nice break from planning my cousin's funeral."


"After I've finished healing people," she says.


He nods and heads off.


She goes back to healing people. There sure are a lot of people to heal. Well, better than them being beyond healing. She winces slightly when she recognizes balrog-related burns but heals them without comment and moves on.


He spends the rest of the day with Angrod and Edhellos, waiting unhappily for a messenger to go all the way south around Doriath to communicate to the other host that if they can get any survivors out of the mortal settlements in the north, those are a bit beyond Eithel Sirion's reach at the moment. Eilthel Sirion's reach at the moment is a few hundred yards; that's how close the orcs have bothered pressing in. He shoots a few because it will relax him slightly.


Eventually she manages to heal everyone there's any point in healing and goes looking for Fingon. "I could deal with some of those before you put me to sleep," she says, when she sees the orcs.


"Right, your range is probably substantially better than an archer's, now that you have our eyesight. Take out a number of them at random, but not as far as you can reach; we may as well keep them uncertain about your capabilities."


She does lethal but minimalist things to, oh, thirty-seven orc brains, and then she says, "I think I'd like to try sleeping it off now."


"Lie down, you might outright fall over if I start singing here."

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