An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"I'd like that."


"I will, then."


And he returns to singing. 


And she goes to sleep after sitting up for a while listening to it.


In the morning they head to a different village. 


And on the way she uses a bit of magic to spruce up her voice and sings a hymn to Aten that seems like it would generalize nicely to expressing positive opinions about other things with a few words changed.


The Elves are appreciative and start asking questions about the development of music in her world.


Not knowing as much about musical history as they probably want, she attempts to distract them with the designs for several musical instruments.


Some of which they have, some of which they don't. It's not far to the next village, and they're swiftly there.


She omits any she noticed being played last night. And then there's another round of pamphlet-distribution and osanwe impressions and lessons and healings.


"Is this pace sustainable for you? I don't want to burn you out."


"I'm fine. I don't know if I can sustain it forever but it's not a problem yet. I'll let you know if it looks like it's going to become one."


"Thank you. Let us know if there are things that can make it sustainable longer."


"If I think of something I'll let you know," she assures him.


Around midafternoon the Elves' faces all freeze and then the earth shakes and then there's a roar like the universe ending.


"What was that?"


He doesn't answer for several minutes. 

The Enemy has attacked, he says, then, and the osanwë doesn't sound louder exactly but it's perfectly clear that it will be heard for forty miles in every direction, the King calls his people to the defense of this land. Every able-bodied man between 15 and 45 should find the nearest command center. Bring weapons and armor and horses if you have them. If you don't, they will be supplied to you. Thank you for your courage in the defense of your people.

Then, to Illia, the Enemy just caused the mountains around Angband to erupt as volcanos. Those mountains were not in fact volcanos, and we weren't prepared, and all of the force we had besieging Angband is dead. If we hold the passes into the mountains this area should be safe. Do you want to stay here and heal things, or head back to Eithel Sirion and fight them?


I--which one will save more lives in the long run?


A small chance of affecting the outcome of the war matters far more by that metric than even a substantial part in reducing its toll.


I'll fight, then.


All right. We're heading back to Eithel Sirion alone, I'm leaving everyone and all the supplies here to help with the mobilization.


Okay. I'm pretty sure I can run faster than a horse if I really push myself, and it sounds like time is of the essence, here. You should be able to, to, if you don't mind risking crashing into a tree and breaking it and/or a handful of bones. Or if you've been practicing strength control. If you haven't and think mending bones would slow you down too much I can carry you. It won't be very dignified but that doesn't sound like a priority right now.


I'll try running.


Let me know if you need me, either to pick you up or to mend bones, she says, and starts running.

Her acceleration is much less gentle than it was when she first demonstrated the ability.


We have much much faster reflexes than non-magic Men, I'd expect I can avoid running into any trees.

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