An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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I think I may have just put two and two together about something that is in no way any of either of our business. Except that if it's true and it were a good idea to admit I had figured it out I would owe some apologies.


I'm curious, tell me anyway.


Not until you're harder to mind-read.


Fair enough.


Have fun murdering orcs. I'll see you tomorrow.


See you;


"Well. Tomorrow's going to be all kinds of interesting, isn't it?"


"I'm looking forward to the chance to meet your sister."


"Yeah, she's really something."


And he extricates himself to go discuss this new possibility with his father face-to-face.


Then Illia will help other people learn magic. Whee, teaching.


The services for the people killed in the fighting are held that evening. Everyone gathers in the castle's hall and starts singing. The song has accompanying mental images, mostly shared by friends and family of the dead. Fingon's cousin as a small child, as a older child, as a young man. 


Illia...never met this person while they were alive, at all. But if you can see pictures of someone as a small child at their funeral and not cry for them then you have a harder heart than she does.


The singing will last for a week, he says to her after a few hours, and you should feel free to go. It's understood that everyone mourns in different ways and you're not even in mourning.


I never even met him, she agrees. It's still sad. I'll leave in a bit.


They keep singing. Anyone can share memories, now, and he shares a few, lets them materialize before everyone, lets them be remembered. There's a saying that lamentations for the dead can reach Mandos. It's probably not true. 


But he doesn't need Mandos anymore.


Well. Odette can't raise the dead yet. He'll just have to be a little bit patient, is all. Not very much at all considering how Elves count time.


The sun sets and the orcs charge Eithel Sirion and are shot down and driven back. Not a serious threat; they do it every night. The funeral continues.


Illia helps with the orcs, feeling maudlin and not having much else to do at the moment.


And eventually the fighting stops, the castle is quiet except for the funeral song, and the Elves ghost around looking like they've seen many many centuries.


Presumably there's a reason for that. Fingers crossed on Odette figuring out resurrection ASAP.

Illia goes to bed with a heavy heart and wakes up in the morning really looking forward to actually getting to hug her sister.


The Elves are still singing.


And it's not long before a voice calls in her head, Illia? I'm here.


Odette! I'm so glad, it's really maudlin here right now, they're holding the funeral of the cousin who died in the fighting.

And to Fingon: She's here.

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