An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"Agreed. Very much so."


"So. Dinner. I hear you have more than bread and stew."


They have eight courses! Creamy soup, bread with delicious pickled vegetable topping, lobster, lamb, absurd numbers of cheeses, absurd numbers of salads, desserts in quantities that can be approximated as limitless. "You should tell Maedhros you want better food," he says, "for his own good."


"Good idea," she says, Very Firmly Having Good Table Manners And Not Just Stuffing Things In Her Face.


"Did anything come up in the course of your discussion that you'd want our explanation or clarification of?"


Dooooes she want to admit to having the ability to extend osanwe via magic yes but maybe later. No, that's not fair, letting Maedhros and Celegorm know but not these guys is unnecessarily taking sides...buuut she doesn't want them to know she was consulting with Maedhros earlier so maybe pretend to have figured it out a day or two from now. "I got enough to know that the Doom is terrible, but can you tell me anything more about that? The more I know, the better I can plan around it."


"There's regrettably no precedent; the Valar used more normal methods of sentencing when previously they sentenced us. They implemented the fencing of Valinor against us shortly after we left. I don't think it happened as an automatic consequence of the Doom being spoken. It was shortly after the Doom that Fëanor stranded us to die on the Ice but I don't think the Doom made him do it."


"Does the Doom last posthumously, do you know? Would it apply to anyone I brought back from the dead?" Probably, for the reasons Celegorm wasn't too happy to hear that she had heard about it, but if she was careful...


"I have no idea. Oaths don't expire on death, but perhaps a death sentence would."


"I don't know whether to be irked that there isn't more information or glad that at least the Valar don't make a habit of condemning people to die horribly. Well. Except the one, but he's a different problem."


"The Valar are generally well-intentioned and were reacting under extreme conditions."


"When you have that much power you need to be way more careful with it."


"I don't disagree."


"Well. I have no intention of letting any of you die horribly if I can prevent it."


"We appreciate it very much."


"I'm glad I came here. I'm not--happier, here, I don't think, but I can certainly do more good."


"Yes. Hopefully you'll be home before too long."


"If I manage to get home I'll be quite relieved to let my parents know we're not dead but unless we can't get back here for some reason I don't intend to stay long-term. Long term for us, anyway. Until Morgoth is dead, at least. But access to our home would be a useful resource."


"Certainly. Can you send messages back home? Is that easier than teleporting there?"


"It shouldn't be. You remember the hassle Illia went through to warn me not to bring back your uncle without a clever plan to make it not a disaster."


"Vividly. All right. Whatever resources of ours can be of use to you are at your disposal. Illia found that healing songs helped her work for longer."


"Well, I don't need anything like that, I don't mind pain, but I don't know what else you can do with that kind of thing."


"With songs? We can make people require less sleep - my cousins know that one and know its limits, though I don't know if anyone knows how much Men can safely use it - and I'm astonished if they haven't already tried having Maglor enhance your will and strength and so forth."


"It works very well."


He nods. "I bet. Oh, Illia, we should also draw up a printing press and send Curufin that, he'll appreciate it."

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