An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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She stays up later than she probably would have if Celegorm were there to tell her to go to bed, and then she and Illia...

Well, if everyone's busy singing, she can probably just bunk down in Illia's room, since she doesn't have one here.


Let us know if you need anything, he says, still singing, when they leave.


Will do.

And she writes some more in her blank book and sticks her leaf-with-stick/wood and wood byproducts source (flattened) between the pages and she and her sister go to sleep.


He lets them sleep in. He's not really clear on how much sleep Men need anyway.


Odette wakes up, wakes her sister, convinces her to finish the printing press plans, looks between her book and the sheaf of papers, and eventually walks out of the room with both stashed in a green satchel with a texture halfway between leather and a leaf.


The singing has stopped. The castle is quiet. There's fighting outside, but it's not serious. "Are you going?"


"Soon. Not necessarily immediately. I was planning to say my goodbyes, not just sneak out."


"I have a letter for my cousins about the reembodiment possibilities and how we'd like to communicate about that in the future."


"Which specific one should I deliver it to?"


"Maedhros will see that whoever needs to see it does."


"Yes, he's very...practical."


For a moment he looks haunted. "He's very capable and the war effort is fortunate to have him."


"Yes." Who wouldn't be haunted by the knowledge of what's happened to that man? And he's his cousin. "...Teaching him to use magic was one of the first things I did when I got here. He actually smiled the first time he got it to work. If...if anything happened to would probably only set you back about seven years."


"Please take care of yourself nonetheless. I'm sure he'd find it cathartic to personally throttle Morgoth but I'd really rather it not fall to him."


"Oh, I fully intend to. But even under the best of circumstances chance can dance in five-four time with the best of plans, and while the Doom may not affect me I don't imagine making a habit of standing next to Doomed people is without risk. I thought you should know."


"I guessed the minute I heard 'magic system powered by will and pain tolerance', honestly. I appreciate hearing it nonetheless."


"I'm honestly torn between being glad he has the relevant characteristics and being horrified that he acquired the relevant characteristics. Or one of them, anyway, I don't know what his willpower was like before."


"None of Fëanor's brood have ever had much of a deficit in stubbornness."


"I should bring Illia to visit at some point. She's going to go stir-crazy at some point if she stays here for long enough with nothing to do but kill orcs."


"If you've decided for sure to bring back their father, Curufin'd be delighted to build things with her. If you haven't decided on that yet, well, Tyelcormo can probably entertain two girls at once."


"I've decided for sure. I mean, someone could change my mind if they had sufficiently swaying new information, but as things stand...I'm just really not okay with leaving someone in something called 'Everlasting Darkness,' and it seems like the proposed patch to the, um, obvious problems, is likely to hold."


"I expect that my cousins' characterization of those problems significantly softens them. But yes, with Finwë alive I don't think it'd be a disaster."


"I'm going to be completely honest with you and admit that my decision has more to do with emotions and a handful of issues I don't feel like exploring with you in-depth today than it does with logic. I am aware of this, and I'm not planning to rationalize it. But none of those emotions or issues are going to go away if I try dismissing them, so, if I can make it not be a disaster..." she shrugs. "I'd never tell you you don't have the right to feel wronged by what he did, or to hate him if you felt like it. And I sort of wish that changed how I felt. But it doesn't."


"I don't hate him. That would be such a waste, with a war to fight and him four and a half centuries gone. My reasons for not wanting him back are at least as personal as your reasons for doing it."


"I said if. The point was...I know this decision isn't really fair to you, and I can't really say I'm sorry because if I was actually sorry I would be making a different decision, but I'm sorry this isn't a world where I can be fair to you and not betray myself at the same time."

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