Anya's Characters
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Template: ζ Damian

Ibn al Xu'ffasch. Heir Apparent.

Template: ζ Enzo/Astrid

[Group: Gremlins] Ava/Dino bab.

Template: ζ Lana

[Group: Gremlins] Lana is probably the Antichrist.
Jalex bab. Twin to Louis.

Template: ζ Leda/Lethe

[Group: Gremlins] Sometime Clarie clone, most time Clarie bab.

Template: ζ Léo

[Group: Gremlin] Lana-Louis triplet

Template: ζ Liv/Liv

[Group: Gremlins] Clary bab. Do not feed after midnight.

Clary and Carter or Clary and Jamie kid, though also sometimes not related. Twin to Sam.
The younger and nicer twin. Has an affinity for flight and speed. Quick thinking, quick witted, and mischievous. Frequently disabled in some way that makes walking difficult.

Template: ζ Max

[Group: Gremlins] Youngest gremlin. Clary/Jalex bab.

Trans-boy. Can also be a Clary/Dino baby. Likes sport and school and his siblings and in general is the most 'normal' of his siblings, even when his actual genetic/magic makeup is anything but normal.

Template: ζ Sybil

[Group: Gremlins] Oldest of the Gremlins. Usually an Alex/Sera bab.
Always illegitimate, never the heir - even when she should be. Very gay, or rather, probably always into women. Tattoo artist. Will take up responsibility if there are no other options and do Well. The rest of her siblings, if she has them, are complete disasters but she's fond of them anyway. From a little distance.

Template: ζ Tháleia

[Group: Gremlins] Rand/Clary baby. Younger sibling to Nat.Is a bitch and you will hear about it.

Template: η Dawn

[Group: Cimmeria] Dawn Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Template: η Doppelgänger

[Group: Doppelgängers] CassCal. Original characters.

Cal: Is very morally grey. If it's possible to be soulless, she is.

Cass: Doppelganger/twin to the Cal cluster. A ray of sunshine. Has terrible taste in siblings and men. Token straight.

Template: η Hyperion

[Group: Cimmeria] Liam/Angelus/Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series.
Shitty human being, the most savage and evil vampires in the last three centuries and one of the greatest heroes the Buffyverse has.

Aspires to right all the wrongs he committed when he was a vampire, though he knows that he will never be able to do this. He seeks to set an example to others, fighting an unwinnable fight because it's the right thing to do.

Template: η Momos

[Group: Mystic] Original character.

Amoral, obsessive and possessive. Face stealer.

Template: η The Master

[Group: Cimmeria] The Master from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Template: θ Carter

Twitter bio states: "Father, husband, writer. Lover."

Template: θ Isaiah

[Group: Westeros] Arthur Dayne from a Song of Ice and Fire.
Sorta kinda not really.

Template: θ Pixie

Léo's Manic Pixie Dream Girl.

Template: θ Riddle

[Group: Hogwarts] Tom Riddle Jr/Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter.

Template: θ Samanya

Semi-fictional author-character.

Template: θ Spectre

[Group: Nightbook] Original character.

Originally was a Shepard from Mass Effect and then decided to circumstance alt as Anita Blake.

Has so many anger issues.

Template: ι Mahariel

[Group: Wardens] Dalish elf Warden from Dragon Age: Origins.

One of very few words. Budding misanthrope. Child soldier. Is forced into service young, but eventually finds her place. Can be a great leader.

Is judging you.

Template: ι Seo

[Group: Hawke] Dragon Age II player character, Hawke. Circumstance alt of Caroline Forbes from the Vampire Diaries.

Template: ι Warden

[Group: Wardens] Alistair Theirin from the Dragon Age franchise.

Brave and selfless, though deeply insecure and quite co-dependant. Uses humour and self deprecation as a coping mechanism. Wants to do good in the world, make a difference. Is usually recruited by some sort of exclusive organisation to do this. eg. the Grey Wardens.

Template: κ Aurelius

[Group: the Originals] Elijah Mikaelson from the Vampire Diaries and the Originals.

Seen as the "honourable" brother and wears this like a well tailored suit. As well as, actually. Has deeply repressed Issues and will do anything for his family. And I mean anything. Family is his life. Without them he would be nothing. Or so he thinks.

Template: κ Hope

[Group: Trinity] Hope Mikaelson from the Originals and Legacies.