Template: κ Kol
[Group: the Originals] Kol Mikaelson from the Vampire Diaries and the Originals.
Knox cluster
- original flavour Kol. tends to be immortal, have a Klara and the other Mikaelson siblings.
Koleb cluster
- Kol-Kaleb template blend. Kol possessing a Kaleb.
Kol-Isaac cluster
- Kol possessing Jarn's Isaac character. Is not really a blend but it's not not a blend.
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Ethan Rayne Knox lose-your-soul Nathaniel Buzolic Cimmeria, Buffyverse
Hazel Knox dust-to-dust Nathaniel Buzolic Umbrella Academy
Isaac Lahey Kol-Isaac suffers-no-grief Daniel Sharman Animorphs
Knox Knox kolhearted Nathaniel Buzolic World of Darkness
Kol Mikaelson Knox bloodsport Nathaniel Buzolic
Kol Mikaelson Knox curses&cunning Nathaniel Buzolic Mystic
Kol Mikkelsen rebel-riot Max Minghella Psych
Kol Naess Knox seek-the-truth Nathaniel Buzolic Trust
Kora Mikkeldottir lose-your-soul Crystal Reed Arcania Artefactum
Sanguine Knox blood&sins Nathaniel Buzolic The Elder Scrolls
Volos Knox for-the-wicked Nathaniel Buzolic Star Wars
Zack Taylor Knox mastodon Max Minghella Akiba