Template: Rex
All Characters
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Rex shift-and-shield Arlen Escarpeta Shardverse
Rex Harrison Rex flamepup Arlen Escarpeta

Posts with Template Instances
Thread Continuity Authors Replies Last Updated
Abandoned If I only had [1 2 3 ... 9 10 11] Sandboxes 273 by Jarn
Abandoned Has Warnings thought you'd reached the bottom [1 2 3 ... 40 41 42] Glittering Dreams 1036 by Guilty
Hiatused Far Flung Hopes and Improbable Dreams [1 2 3 ... 15 16 17] Time and Space 423 by TransrealClouden
Hiatused In your philosophy [1 2 3 ... 12 13 14] Sandboxes 326 by Guilty