Template: squid protagonist
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A Qidian protagonist who isn't a murderhobo? In this economy? It's more likely than you think.

Zhou Mingrui is an ordinary guy from modern Earth who would probably have traded his life for a child's if an isekai truck came for him. Unfortunately, that isn't what happened.

surprisingly little identity crisis per identity. Let's change that :)

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Dwayne Dantes grifter-hacker-thief Lord of Mysteries
Gehrman Sparrow secret-third-thing Lord of Mysteries
Klein metagaming too-good-to-be-true
Klein noncanon other tragicomedy
Klein praise the new era when-the-dealing's-done
Klein Moretti becoming-the-mask Lord of Mysteries
Merlin Hermes limited-wish-alignment Lord of Mysteries
Mr. Fool somebody-has-to Lord of Mysteries
Sherlock Moriarty sad-clown-paradox Lord of Mysteries
Zhou Mingrui made-it-home-alive Lord of Mysteries
Zhou Mingrui miles-to-go
Zhou Mingrui ordinary-guy Lord of Mysteries
ZMR metagaming the-once-and-future-king identity-thievery