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Setting: Lilith
Characters Tagged: Lilith
Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast User
Adam first-boy ancestor Ty Simpkins. Wizard of Woah!
Alexander Starr Alex Xanxus Alex, Lex tooth-and-claw Jeremy Sumpter Sage/Nemesis
Angela Starr Jamie Wild against-his-creed Dakota Fanning Sage/Nemesis
Angie Sandursk Angie the Wolf-Girl werewolf-cub Emma Pritchard Wizard of Woah!
Ant Gothenburg Lust bemorecat Guilty
Awan lilith-spawn perfect-child Bella Ramsey Wizard of Woah!
Cain Atten Caine don't-feed-it Sebastian Jessen Sage/Nemesis
Claudia Stilinski Ψ Claudia Stiles trying_to_kill Joey Honsa Jarn
Coca Batman (a little girl) dragoness little-dragon Miika Bryce Whiskeyjack Wizard of Woah!
Colin Hall Ω Colin it-hungers Jackson Bond, Skeet Ulrich Sage/Nemesis
Eric Vicks Eric vampire-scot Jared S. Gilmore Wizard of Woah!
Ezekiel Lennox Ezekiel usually-a-vampire Jordan Bennie Wizard of Woah!
Hannah Apocrita Hannah Wasp-Queen Isabel Meyers Wizard of Woah!
Hazel wolf-of-dawn ancestress Wizard of Woah!
Ira Gothenburg Wrath let-them-bleed Lucy Boynton Guilty
Izabella Bautista Izabella voice-of-reason Annie Ilonzeh Guilty
Jackson ε,μ Serpent ~ Jackson/Džalas like_an_animal Colton Haynes Jarn
Jack Spade Jalex we-must-hunger Alexander Gould Sage/Nemesis
Jehoel king of kings too-good-for-this-world Stephen Dillane Wizard of Woah!
Jessop early-wolf wolf-of-ages Wizard of Woah!
Joey Sandursk Joey the Wolf-Boy Jakob Davies Wizard of Woah!
Krysa Paul of Everywhere boy-swarm rat-king Dylan Schmid Wizard of Woah!
Lilith mother-of-monster womb-of-evil Jordana Beatty, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Amy Adams Wizard of Woah!
Maurice Toreador Maurice arty-vampire Riley Thomas Stewart, Evan Peters Wizard of Woah!
Mort Mort Half mort-petit AndaisQ
Total: 31