Setting: Automata
Characters Tagged: Automata
Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast User
2B β - 2B to-not-be Rosa Kato Diaeresis
9S γ - Nine nines Airi Suzuki Diaeresis
A2 δ - A2 my-blade-is-sharp Ayumi Kinoshita Diaeresis
Accord δ/θ Satellite - The Collective Pack harmony-of-the-spheres Zhu Zhu Decima
Adam Orochimaru deadly-fruit Kwon Boa ChaosMagic
Azalea ♄ - Leia fighting-for-a-new-world Naomi Scott Decima
DrakeNier Ψ - Settings seem-meaningless Decima
Gunner no. 13 δ/σ - Feral Jaded shut-off-your-pain Han Soo He Decima
Jackass φ - Jacky Gremlin science Lee Ji Eun Decima
Number 13, Type E σ - Shmi a-long-and-unrelenting-road Han Soo He Decima
Number 5, Type S θ - Lily Palpatine curiosity Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs Decima
Number 9 φ - Pandora have-to-know Thaddea Graham Decima
Simone de Beauvoir δ Fate ~ Hisame Hell ask-for-the-light Decima
The Red Girls χ - Tyrant what-was-and-no-more-is Decima
The Twins χ - Ridis fight-the-hounds-of-hell Anna Taylor-Joy Decima