Daily Report - Aug 27, 2024
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New [Open] On An End To That Most Ancient Tyranee Of The Crown
Taxation IS theft
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 1 0 5:44 PM
New REFUSE THE RULE OF BEASTS (open) The Chelish Constitutional Convention 0 0 2:57 PM
Complete New Introductory martial arts for young sorceresses
Overcoming grappling is critical for arcane casters
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 27 27 12:55 PM
New church of abadar at trivardum, westcrown
llucian has never been in an abadaran church before!
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 36 36 2:43 AM
Complete New Religious: LlĂșcian Toset
a pro-democracy cleric of abadar
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 1 1 12:26 AM
Total: 5