Daily Report - Nov 02, 2021
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Complete (telling me lies) do you remember?
bella performs quality control
megacontinuity: scholomance 125 116 12:00 AM
Abandoned Has Warnings heartbreak flourish
Tintin at some point died and went to the Underworld
Sandboxes 203 2 12:00 AM
Hiatused [mandarin] holding down the fort
Shanghai enclave at lunch
megacontinuity: scholomance 39 25 12:00 AM
Complete Has Warnings voler le feu des dieux
tintin gets exiled on accident
Sunset Tones 659 1 12:00 AM
Hiatused this table is our table, unless you want it, in which case I guess it's your table
Annisa, Malak, Naima, Raleigh, maybe others at lunch
megacontinuity: scholomance 221 126 12:00 AM
Total: 55