Daily Report - Jun 15, 2020
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Hiatused not here to sell eternity
April is the summoned hero
Skylight Empire 126 10 11:04 PM
Hiatused the work of my heart
Lucy is the Demon Lord
Skylight Empire 88 16 11:01 PM
Complete Has Warnings howling ghosts they reappear
elrics meet an orc
Fulmination 1189 6 9:50 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings i got some mischief in my blood
can you blame me? I never got no love (some alts in Descendants)
Sandboxes 203 1 9:44 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings born free, and everywhere in chains
Permission comes under new divine management
Sandboxes 49 1 9:27 PM
Hiatused one last candle to keep out the night
when clones attack
Fulmination 334 8 8:13 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings and therefore never send to know
Rian and Orochimaru coalition build
Manual of Chaos 84 1 7:12 PM
Hiatused for when your world seems to crumble again
a (very decidedly ex) stormtrooper falls on Xena
Manual of Chaos 80 2 7:11 PM
Hiatused is his castle Sandboxes 421 2 7:05 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings I can't stop 'til the whole world knows my name
Young Avengers Assemble
Manual of Chaos 102 1 6:53 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings all I can do is cry on my own
magical girl Sasuke's adventures in PMMM
Hope Itself 316 4 6:51 PM
Abandoned Has Warnings into mystery or miracle
"what if gardening were syexy" Jamie falls on the "what if farming were ominously romanticized" setting
Jewel Box cluster 256 14 5:57 PM
Abandoned ladies and gentlemen
Kaede and Thor in Faery
Lighthouse 616 1 5:16 PM
Hiatused and there's no one road
Space Krissan meet Amenta
Sandboxes 69 4 5:04 PM
Hiatused places and forms unknown
Alistair gets Isekai'd
Sandboxes 17 12 5:03 PM
Hiatused alchemical tinkering
Belmarniss in Fullmetal Alchemist
Sandboxes 496 8 4:51 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings quite the charmer
sugira drops on the handmaiden
Heart's Dusk 92 2 4:50 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings go not into the woods, my children
for there are monsters lurking there
Manual of Chaos 75 3 4:44 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings always look to love
lucy is a different kind of eldritch
Sandboxes 726 16 4:17 PM
Complete Has Warnings Space is vast, you are small
Circa OUATIS, the Mechanisms pick up some doofus who it is inconveniently difficult to kill. His name is Honey.
Sandboxes 773 2 3:41 PM
Abandoned sink or swim
pelape and sahde
Sandboxes 1077 23 1:33 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings New meddling kids and their pesky salamander
Harry scoops a Nova in Whateley-verse
Sandboxes 137 47 1:02 PM
Hiatused after summer is winter, after winter summer
whately twins land on valdemar
Sandboxes 1697 13 11:57 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings to be alive is power
Link and Naruto in a battle world
Sandboxes 94 1 10:42 AM
Hiatused fireball whiskey
the 1920s sure were roaring (or, dungeons and dragons and prohibition)
Sandboxes 349 2 10:40 AM
Total: 53