They've only cracked a handful of these languages themselves, but they have their linguists go over them, mostly with an early eye to cultural differences - they're hoping to at least know what each other's treaties look like by the time the diplomatic ship arrives.
The Meda seem to have a lot more obscure languages than the Amentans do, is one early comment - probably more languages in general. The majority of their languages have fewer than a thousand speakers, though most people learn two or three languages, and most people speak at least some of one of the the top twenty languages - but for native speakers, you'd get maybe sixty percent of the population with the hundred most widely spoken languages. (The classic definition of 'language' gets a bit weird when applied to the other three species).
The Krissan as a whole don't directly have population control treaties, but they do have land use and environmental impact treaties, which work out to mostly the same thing, and apply more broadly to provinces with mixed species populations, while allowing those nations to implement whatever program works best for them and having more flexibility as new technologies emerge. The treaties mostly cover the release of certain industrial byproducts into air, land, and water, the release of unknown industrial byproducts, excess light production at night, destruction of forests and other reserves for nature, the preservation of 'common heritage' species in the wild, release of industrially heated water into waterways, and accumulation of space debris in the orbital bands typically used for satellites.
The equivalent of the cleanliness treaties are mostly split between a couple of related concepts, which have varied historically. The current system is mostly that the Unity League can declare and enforce quarantines worldwide, can shut down inter-province travel given declaration of a pandemic, can enforce contact tracing worldwide, can waive parts of environmental preservation treaties in pursuit of eradicating animal vectors and reservoirs for disease, and can require compliance with checks for novel diseases and anti-pathogenic measures like limiting antibiotic use (mostly a historic power, due to the approximately forty Amentan year period where they'd just introduced antibiotics but hadn't introduced antibiotics that pathogens can't quickly evolve resistance to) and distributing new anti-pathogenic technologies. This usually doesn't come up, because the minimum quality of healthcare a province can have is also regulated on a global level. There's mostly historic provisions for measures taken to prevent large-scale disease not being war crimes, causes for war, or crimes against sapience - these are some of the oldest ones, from before the Yellow Plague, which was a massive disease outbreak prior to the invention of antibiotics.
Crimes against sapience are the more strictly and universally banned things; these include torture, killing non-combatants, forcibly moving populations, forced pregnancy in a population, trying to eradicate or forcibly reduce a people or their culture, not accepting surrenders, and a few other things that mostly came up with historic technologies. The definition of 'a population' has historically been debated. War crimes are usually classed more as cause for total war by the target, but historically usually wouldn't get all your neighbors or (in one crimes against sapience case, the majority of the planet) attacking you - generally using indiscriminate weapons, damaging the environment, seeking to limit freedoms of conquered peoples, assaulting non-combatants, and destroying sites of cultural importance. 'Total war' is the complete mobilization of a population for war, either defensive or aggressive; this has usually been really rare among the Meda, because defensively it makes a territory nearly impossible to hold without massive ongoing casualties, so the leaders of belligerent nations generally tried to avoid inspiring it, and aggressively it can really mess with your non-war economy.