Daily Report - Jun 01, 2020
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Hiatused Shards Sandboxes 49 2 10:09 PM
Abandoned Has Warnings lest (s)he thereby become one
Sadde is the Champion of Ingnam
Sandboxes 408 1 9:45 PM
Abandoned Has Warnings it's a bird it's a plane
sadde tries to convince superxan not to be terrible
Sandboxes 197 1 9:44 PM
Abandoned are you ready for it
Metamancer Kaede at Whateley
Sandboxes 245 1 9:43 PM
Hiatused anomalous occurrences
People are quite suspicious of the Commander's new girlfriend
Aurora 399 4 9:43 PM
Hiatused I've seen worlds that don't belong
The Krissan meet some aliens
Sandboxes 106 2 7:21 PM
Hiatused Shadows bend and shape to something new
Xena lands on shaper alistair
Sandboxes 188 1 7:15 PM
Hiatused there's no coming back once we go
the msy is dark and full of terrors (sequel to https://www.glowfic.com/posts/1630)
Sandboxes 19 5 7:07 PM
Hiatused fireball whiskey
the 1920s sure were roaring (or, dungeons and dragons and prohibition)
Sandboxes 349 4 5:49 PM
Hiatused team tyler's van
Isabella Swan is a high school student who gets struck by a motor vehicle
Sandboxes 848 61 4:29 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings hey, god is dead, did you know
vanyel meets sad cam in milliways
Sandboxes 1391 8 1:22 PM
Hiatused death is strange in the Neath
Neathy Lucy flips the Wizarding World's table
Sandboxes 127 6 12:11 PM
hard to look right at you
Demon Cam in the Potterverse
Sandboxes 1307 2 12:08 PM
Complete Has Warnings can't have peace without a war
Margaret in Medallion
Sandboxes 3412 2 11:59 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings the laws of truth I will obey
Abras Ashkevron at the start of the book 3 timeline (A Song for Two Voices)
that I may learn the answers there 1444 67 11:55 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings blood so sweet
Adorable Murder Children (Zeke turns a Jamie)
Sandboxes 337 121 10:43 AM
Complete in this handmade heaven
A Margaret in a transdimensional transhumanist beauty salon
Sandboxes 471 1 8:44 AM
Hiatused We Dream of Somewhere Else
A Network exploration team lands on Krisses
Sandboxes 313 2 8:43 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings take me where I cannot stand
River Tam has a dream
Sandboxes 453 2 8:43 AM
Hiatused alchemical tinkering
Belmarniss in Fullmetal Alchemist
Sandboxes 496 2 8:41 AM
Complete Has Warnings fearfully and wonderfully made
ellie in cognoscente
Fulmination 1715 78 8:40 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings quite the charmer
sugira drops on the handmaiden
Heart's Dusk 92 3 8:37 AM
Abandoned Has Warnings into mystery or miracle
"what if gardening were syexy" Jamie falls on the "what if farming were ominously romanticized" setting
Jewel Box cluster 256 4 7:19 AM
Hiatused the same rain that draws you near me
Jaime discovers a masquerade.
Jewel Box cluster 424 4 7:17 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings the unfathomable whims of gods
Azem is left for dead on a deserted island right before the Trojan War
Aurora 669 113 12:39 AM
Total: 29